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What do you think of the sites raising money for individuals -crowdfunding?

by Finy (follow)
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Scam (3)      Crowdfunding (2)      Raising money (2)      Donating money (1)     

Photo: Commons.wikimedia.org

Crowdfunding is raising money for individuals or groups on the Internet.

What do you think of this practice?

#Raising money
#Donating money
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I think crowdfunding is a magnificent way for individuals to become involved in projects or to assist people in need. It shows there is a lot of disposable income around and people are prepared to use it in a caring and passionate way - long live philanthropy.

Have I contributed to a crowd funding project or cause - N0.

Would I contribute - Probably.
If I found the project or cause I was absolutely passionate about I would. BUT, I would do my homework first. I work hard for my income but I know there are others worse off than what I am. Working in the arts and entertainment industry, I know only too well the lack of Government funding available to our local market, if producers are able to kick start their projects with some crowd funding - my thoughts are well done - you have courage, passion and stamina (it's not easy).

So, in short, I support the practice of crowd funding.
I really dislike this practise and would not give to it.
Every time someone has a misfortune they report it on the news and seem to start one of these things for raising money for themselves or their friends.

I do not trust them, nor would I give to something like this.

There may be a few who are genuine, like sick children, however when someone dies I cannot understand why the public should give the survivors money?

Having had two children die, I certainly would not have wanted any money from strangers, or anyone else - it is up to me to find money for a funeral or whatever. I received help in many other ways.
No, definitely do not believe in crowdfunding for all the causes that I see on the News.
by Finy
I am sorry to learn you have lost two children Finy. There is another type of fundraising used for ideas and project rather that the charity type you are talking about. People put forward their idea and if public like it thay can donate to help get it going.
by annfi
I am sorry to learn you have lost two children Finy. There is another type of fundraising used for ideas and project rather that the charity type you are talking about. People put forward their idea and if public like it thay can donate to help get it going.
by annfi
I find it all a little weird. A guy got $400K raised a couple of days ago in USA from people who felt really sorry that he was so old and frail and still pushing a popsicle barrow and he wants to share it out to others instead of retiring. That's fine but that was not the intention. I'd bet that those who donated were not impressed. I haven't given to any and I'm not sure I would. It seems too easy to fool people on social media. (which I have none of)
by Rice
I think it is a great way to help others and get involved. Many people can't or won't do community work for whatever reason, so this is some way for them to help others, and get that warm feeling inside that you get from helping out those less fortunate. I'm not sure HOW this works as I don't have Facebook ( and don't want it ). I am sceptical if the person gets the entire amount promised. It is a good way of helping others
It's a great way to get new projects off the ground, which would otherwise be out of reach to the average person. It benefits everyone because useful and interesting stuff gets made that otherwise wouldn't, and funding's not left in the hands of only large organisations. I've seen some really cool things get up and running this way, like a new design of minesweeper for use in areas with landmines that regularly main or kill civillians, a cheap device for drying cloth menstrual pads (better for the health of women in developing countries, who don't have access to disposables and who are pressured not to hang their cloth pads out to dry where they could be seen, instead hanging them hidden indoors which can cause mould to grow), as well as a few interesting books, movies and web series. Generally speaking I don't give to ones where people are asking for money for themselves or their families unless I know them personally (or someone I know and trust does), to avoid possible scams.

Nobody is forced to take part in crowdfunding projects if they don't want to.
I totally agree about the crowdfunding for getting projects off the crowd. I feel this is a much better use for it.
by Rice
In a word!


It has many applications,and I feel the ''Opening of the Heart' has to be a Big one.

We live in a world where people often just think about them.

It offers a way to experience 'how to give',by such a simple means.
It may not be much....the the act of random kindness, just melts my heart.

I have given a few times, and it really made me feel like I was helping someone (s) for a better life.

Could you imagine if people adopted this in a serious-vein!
How peoples lives would be so much ,much better.

Life is not about being self enclosed.

Helping ones fellow man is a blessing to also the one giving, as well as the one receiving.

Great way to also teach children, who around the age of 9-10 can understand, such a basic principal of helping ones fellow man (woman).

If I had more money, I could give more freely and know that it's not all about me in this world.(Which I have not thought anyways). I would just love to do more.

I think also it instills in people that as bad as this world is, there is some 'light' to be found.

Yes....I have given.
Yes I will continue.... because if hundreds gave just a gold coin, WOW! it would make a huge difference to someone(s).

It also helps people who have no money for the funeral, or other costs...If it is a tragic cause.

LOVE the idea. :)
Don't agree with it at all.
Wouldn't contribute to one.

Just another form of the 'current trend' whereby people aren't taking on the mantle of responsibility in their lives, & getting others' to fund *whatever*........
Totally disagree with it, particularly when people want money for a holiday or similar. If it were for a really worthy reason, viz a life saving operation for a child, that would be a different matter.
I find it all rather strange actually. I give where and when I am able to to the organisations which touch my heart,and I am very happy to do so,but this other fundraising method? I just don't know enough about it. I have a lot of doubts about whole thing. Too many people could create tear-jerker stories,so how do we know if these are genuine or not?
I have to say I'm uncomfortable with this process. To me it smacks a little of "begging".

I am happy to offer financial help to someone I know, and have no problem being involved with charities, but am just not sure about the practise of soliciting money for yourself or friends via social media.
sorry - bad grammar - "practise" should read "practice"
by norma
I like the idea of croud funding. The ones I support have a target and if the target is not reached, your pledged donation is not required. I have supported a couple of campaigns. One that stands out was an invention of a system to remove rubbish from the ocean. It needed a lot of money. I am not aware that it has reached it's target so I have not had to pay yet.
I don't think about it. so I'm not into it!
by Miro
There is another site the desperate can go too: 'Go Fund Me'
by Miro
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