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What do you think of The Running of the Bulls?

by Gayle Beveridge (follow)
Gayle Beveridge
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Running of the Bulls Encierro_calle_real_2005 By 2pac (Own work) , via Wikimedia Commons
Running of the Bulls - Encierro_calle_real_2005 (Image by 2pac (Own work) Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons)

The Pamplona encierro (bull run) is the most well known of the Spanish bull runs. More than 200 people a year are injured in the run (mostly from falls) and there have been many incidences of goring over the years, with a fatality in 2009.

What do you think? Are these people brave or stupid? Is this animal cruelty or a valid sport?

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It's animal cruelty and should be stopped.
It's cruel. Those poor bulls must be so frightened going through that ordeal. It anyone gets a bull horn where they don't want it, it serves them right, the idiots.
Stupid humans.
Animal cruelty. For a bull to fall over on cobblestones will be very hurtful to it.

The whole idea is just the pits!
Should be stopped in this day & age!
I think this is a really bad idea both for the people and the animals. Even if we stanf by the argument that these adults are responsible for themselves and it's their business if they get hurt then spare a thought for the animals who have no choice. How stressed they must be.
I think it would have to be one of man's most stupid games to play.

If they get hurt........they have only their own stupid self to blame.End of Story!
It's no more stupid or dangerous than climbing a mountain. I don't know enough about it to understand the impact on the bulls, but there are other sports that involve animals that are dangerous for them, such as horse racing. While we may not particularly agree with this sport it would then mean that we'd have to oppose things like horse racing, hound racing, mountain climbing, parachuting, or anything else that is dangerous or involves animals.
Yes, it's good to be consistent. I do have issue with horse racing as well (also dog racing). There has been some pretty appalling stuff about greyhound racing in the news in Australia just recently. To quote from the article below

"Putting together animals, gambling and prize purses is a toxic mix. It's capable of turning men into monsters."

I am also not happy with the history of horse and dog racing, but in recent times there gas been an attempt to clean it up, so I am not sure where I stand anymore.
There is a huge difference in climbing a mountain, than running of the bulls I see.
If you climb a mountain it is not involving any animal but just the sheer will, to get to the top of a huge rock.
If you look at the dreadful injuries people get from running of the bulls, you can't put the two in the same basket.
by jonaja
And what about all the risks involved with mountain climbing? Falling, frostbite, rock slide, avalanche? They are two very different sports, granted, but the risk is there either way.
I think it is disgusting. There is never any excuse for animal cruelty. It's not a sport and it is not bravery, it's just stupidity and idiotic. People should be ashamed of participating, whether by running or by watching.
I think it is a tradition where it is held.

I find it a really dumb, idiootic tradition which is so dangerous that I do not understand why anyone would bother to go in it.

However, as adults we all make up our own minds and different people are turned on by different things so it is not up to me to judge this even though I do not like it.
by Finy
I think it's cruel and you must be bloody stupid to participate - but I guess that is Darwinism?
Any sports involving animals for our entertainment should be banned, as the animals are forced to do it and are usually injured or killed in the process.
Morons. Every time I hear that someone has been hurt I think 'serves you right'! Poor bulls.
I am TOTALLY on the bull's side. Moronic, pathetic and stupid. Brought to you by the people who throw live donkeys off church towers. Some days I wish I had a nuclear warhead.
by Rice
Stupid stunt why do they not cut the Bulls horns or wrap them to prevent serious injury.
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