What do you think of the fashion of different shoes as a pair?
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If that's what people want to do it's no skin off my nose.
When I bought my Doc Martens I considered getting one purple pair and one green pair and wearing one of each but I didn't really have the funds to buy two pairs at once so I abandoned that plan.
I saw this for the first time a few days ago and asked if they had mixed up their shoes! It was a "pairt" and after a while I realised it was rather a cute idea.
I hgave not seen these in the shops however, though have bought my last few pairs of shoes online so do not look in shoe shops.
If folks want to wear mismatching shoes, then it makes no difference to me. It would drive me bonkers though if i wear to wear different shoes. Mostly because every shoe has a different feel to it - sole, heel, upper, and my brain would explode trying to reconcile having different sensations from each foot!
They are not different shoes -they are made that way from the same shoe with a different top or slightly different top;;;;;0bviously you could not just get two different shoes for this!
I don't think it's obvious at all. At least not from your question. You asked what we thought of two different shoes being worn as a pair, not a pair of shoes that have been made to look different on top.
I don't spend any time in shops or reading fashion magazines, I have no idea (or interest) what the latest trends are.... I just answered the question that was asked!
If they are identical in all respects except for how they look on top, then that makes more sense. In that case, whether I would wear them or not would depend on the design and how they have been varied. As for anyone else wearing them, it's not up to me to say yay or nay!
uirky! Don't think I would do it though as people who I mix with are mainly baby boomers who would think I had lost it and made an error!!! However, for young people I can see the appeal of a new fashion statement and they would go with their overall look
As long as the shoes are the exact same height, I have no problems with it....and I am surprised it has not really happened long before....that it has become even more wide spread.
A true fashion.It is a tad rad,who cares :)
Yes it was a pIr of shoes not just two different ones.
So same shoe just slightly different
Pattern/ style
I haven't seen people doing this. I think that if I did it would have to be the same shoe but just different colours, otherwise my feet wouldn't feel balanced.
This is not what I would feel comfortable doing, but I have no problem if others want to. The boy next door to me deliberately wears odd socks,and has done ever since I have known him!!! He is known for his colourful feet,and he never needs to tell his mum that he cannot find a pair of socks as he never wears a 'proper' pair anyway!!! I do feel with shoes though,they ought to be the same basic style and definitely the same height!!
Really, there're some 'way-out' ideas in the world!
But to each their disorganised own, because that is how it looks!
I have to say it would look o.k. if one had a dress in two main colours, and could get the shoes the exact same colour to match.I think it would work well .
I imagine it would be uncomfortable if each shoe was a different height. Personally, I wouldn't wear two different shoes as a pair, but I would wear two different colours of the same shoe. I quite like Jennifer's idea.
Well....I've seen people wear 2 different socks, different shoelace colours so.....why not. It's a good way to put a little fun in the day.
The only people I've seen doing this have been teens/20's who want to have both pairs but may not be able to afford them both.
I am usually very tolerant (even enjoyed) modern quirky fasion fads but wearing odd shoes is just plain rediculous. When I look at that photo I think of people affected by tragedy not misguided fasion sense.
Thanks redph - you saved me from typing out the same answer!
I'm pretty sure Diana did it many years ago - spotted stilettos? I had a very nice pink and a blue pair of leather thongs at one point. One of each broke and I wore them as a pair for ages. It looked great and saved throwing out 2 single thongs.
I also mix and match earrings.
I once got to work and discovered I had put on unmatched shoes. Same colour and very similar style but one was flat and one had a slight heel. I thought I had low blood pressure making me unbalanced!!
I'm in my mid sixties and have been wearing 'odd' socks as a pair for a number of years and have occasionally worn 'odd' shoes. I see nothing wrong with this, if it adds a bit of colour to you day and somebody elses it can only be good. Sometimes it's good to different and it sure beats smoking as a habit, lol.
I wouldn't wear two different shoes, but I love the idea of wearing 'odd' socks. My 21 year old son is too conservative and doesn't like this idea, but I love a bit of quirkiness!
With the shoes though, hmm, I have enough trouple not tripping over, I think I'll stick with my shoes as they were always meant to be, for safety reasons ...
Not seen it, but have heard of people rushing out the door, arriving at work and discovering that they had accidentally pulled this look off.
You know what, doesn't phase me, if it makes you happy and it gives you three looks out of two sets of shoes, can only see it as a win situation.
I have actually done this, albeit accidentally. A few years ago I was groping in my wardrobe for a pair of shoes to put on and just grabbed what I thought was a pair. About 2 hours later my husband asked me why I was wearing two different shoes. He just thought I was being quirky. The shoes were identical in style just slightly different in colour (one red, one fuschia). I got away with it as, coincidentally, the outfit I was wearing was in a mix of those colours. Today, however, I think people would think I was having a "senior moment" if I went out with different shoes on.
I think wearing different pairs of shoes looks odd, I wouldn't do it, I know people would look at me strangely, how ever if it was for a good cause then I probably would.
I've never heard of that idea being a fashion idea.
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