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What do you think of swiping your phone instead of a credit card?

by Finy (follow)
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What do you think of swiping your mobile phone instead of a credit card?

#Phone payment
#Mobile payment
#Mobile credit card
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I think this is also a good idea though if you have a few I do not know how that would work.

The less small things I have to carry, the better as it would be far easier to just swipe the phone rather than getting out the card, remembering to get it back and putting it away.

Swiping would be quicker and easier.
by Finy
I don't think it's a great idea honestly. I don't like the idea of having all my bank details available on my phone when it could be easily lost, stolen etc. or hacked when using public wifi.

Maybe I'm too paranoid by these things!
I don't have a pone, but if I did, I would not feel comfortable swiping it, in case other information was taken as well.
Wow you don't have a phone. That must be a time saver i guess..but how do you manage without one ?
by Amber
Quite easily. I have no idea why people are so dependent on phones. I hate them.
It was not all that long ago that nobody had a mobile phone and funnily enough, we managed!
by brigi
Good for you :-) My daughter has never had a mobile either. She loathes, despises and detests them. If anybody's mobile rings near her or somebody answers a call in the middle of conversing with her . . . . they get the death stare. Mine is a basic model and only does talk and text. The best use for a mobile is for womens' safety when driving, I reckon.
by Rice
It is good to know I am not the only one. Most people just take it as a given that you have a mobile phone.
No I'm good.

I'll use my card every time.
It's just getting a tad crazy for me.

Soon we won't have cash too.....
That'll make for a good question. Do you want it or can I take it? lol
by Vee
by jonaja
I only have a basic talk and text phone which I use for emergencies!! I am at home most of the time and thus use my landline rather than a mobile phone.
It suits me just fine at present!!!
Mind you,it IS a clever idea!!!!
I don't like this idea. Swiping of any kind is not a good idea. I know of a person who lost their debit card and the person who picked it up went on a mad spending spree.

Use your pin. It's safer.
by Vee
I'm with you :)
by jonaja
I would prefer to use something tangible.
I'm not sure what I think about this, quicker yes but if someone steals your phone surely they could spend all your money? I don't understand how it can be secure!
Yes I think this would be a good idea, save time and energy
by fran
I prefer using a card rather than the phone
by AJ
This is only good for a Smart/iphone which I do not have so this type of payment wouldn't be possible for me to do.
I would not use a mobile phone. have a phone only the family has the number, for calls if not at home.
That's incompatible with my ''half-brick' mobile!
Such is life, or not, as the case maybe! Lol!
Don't like the idea either, too many details could be swiped from the phone too, although love technology we need to use it wisely, to our benefit not our detriment!
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