A lot of Good has come....and some sadness has come for these mothers.
My concern first is 1st for the Surrogate.
Not for the couple wanting a child, because there still is adoption.
As far as the child, (well the child has not yet been born) so I put that one...... to the side.
I understand the gift of life, and in some cases, I think it could be o.k....but! I still feel the Surrogate mother has yet to experience, the gift of giving the child she has carried for 9 months.
The loss of the child, even if (really not) hers.
The feelings she will have in the years to come.
It is not just about being a selfless person, she can not fully understand her own 'feelings', until she has given up the child.
Only in cases of extreme would I feel it could be used, where the S/Mother has had a family of her own, and she no longer wishes to expand her own family.
That she is a person who is giving maybe because the couple could not adopt, and the woman to be given the child, would benefit greatly from this gift.
I have always thought it is a very bad plan for the 'most', and should be used in exceptional cases.
Only because of the S/Mother, theirs is a ' Absolute Journey '. It seems quite one sided, and the S/Mother may say she is fine with it....but having had 5 pregnancies I fully understand being a woman carrying a child.
It is not that simple, no matter 'how' strong a woman says she can do it.
No one else in in her head, and she will in time have thoughts, of what she has done...and it is
a very lonely road to travel, for her.