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What do you think of speed dating?

by annep (follow)
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Photo: Miqy Speed Dating - wikimedia commons

Speed dating is growing quickly as a time-saving and efficient way for people to find love. It takes the awkwardness of approaching strangers out of the dating game and provides people with choices of partners from all walks of life.

Have you tried or heard of speed dating? If yes, did it work for you? How was your experience? What do you feel about people joining speed dating events?

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My last attempt at speed dating was not very enjoyable, to tell the truth. Some of the conversations were really interesting. However, I didn't like the noise. Also, five minutes is a short time to get to know a person.
I would have thought speed dating would have felt more awkward. You are put into an unnatural situation with a complete stranger, and are on a timer to reveal as much as necessary to determine whether you are compatible with the person next to you. Just as you start to hit it off, a bell goes and you have to move on and do the same again. If you like the person you just left, then it almost feels like cheating on them. I don'y like the idea of speed dating at all.
It also depends on how well organised the particular speed dating event in question is. It is a great form of leverage where you'll get a chance to catch up with six instead of one in the same time period. You need to concentrate and be alert. Not for the shy, introverted types due to the pace.
I think it is a great idea.

I believe first impressions are there for a reason.Speed dating saves all the time and money of a real date, not to mention the uneasy feeling....once your half way through the date.
I know one lady who went on a date...15 mins later they both said ''lets end it right now''.They did not click, and I think that is a great indicator of people from different worlds.
Lets face it, the world is made up of so many many different ideas, hates,loves.

You meet someone who may be just for that few mins or an hour, you know you may not have to see them again....so we adapt.You know you have to deal with them, so you do It.Maybe you could be buying a new car, or house whatever, you just put up and shut up.Then when it's over, you thank God! you never have to see them again, that's life.
When it comes to dating? that's a whole different 'animal'~

Speed dating I believe is the way to go, and it really nut's out the nut's!!
If you know what I mean, for guys and girls.
I've never tried it as I'm happily married, but I think it definitely has pros and cons. On one hand it provides a good opportunity for single people to meet totally new people (who they'd probably never encounter otherwise) in a safe, informal environment. However, as some of the other people on here have noted, you really wouldn't get to know much about the people involved in just a few minutes. It would be good, though, in the sense that you'd be aware of things like what the person looks like (something that people dealing with dating sites never really can be), how they present themselves, what their voice sounds like, the kind of language they use, whether you share any common interests, and basically, simply whether you like them or not. I think the down side could be that shyer people may be a bit intimidated and therefore not 'shine' as much as they would in a more natural setting while more extroverted types might dazzle at a brief meeting but turn out being total b**s.
It's not long to decide on someone. Never judge a book by its cover - and all you get to see is the front cover in speed dating.
I dont know as I havent tried it.
by Finy
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