What do you think of online dating?

Image by C.m.keysers via Wikimedia Commons
Have you tried or thought of trying online dating? Have you heard of or know of someone who has tried online dating?
What has been your experience? What do you think or feel about online dating? Does it work?
Why do you think online dating is gaining popularity?
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Top Answers
I've never tried it myself but I know so many people who have had great success with online dating. I think so long as you sort of apply the same rules that you would with a guy in the pub - e.g. be careful with your personal information, don't go to his house if you don't know him - you should be fine.
As long as you are safe, if it works for you, go or it!
Be careful. The devil is in the details. The profile could turn out to be different than the real deal. Trust yourself and your gut instincts on this one.
I've never needed to use it myself but it seems like a reasonable way to meet new people who are outside your usual social circle.
I was really lucky, 5 years ago I met my husband on an online dating site. I met quite a few other guys who were fine but not for me. I have spoken to others who have had more problems with it than me! I think it depends on what you are looking for. Keep yourself safe and have fun.
I am skeptical of online dating for quite a few reasons, the main one being that a woman is exposed to a higher degree of vulnerability, disappointment and a blow to her self-esteem.
But there are many people who have been fortunate to find love on the net. More power to them.
To others, just a word of caution: Be careful!
I was told once by some Official from a dating site (off the record): "All women's profiles were edited by the site to get more men to join, although the women are real".
But my personal experience All dating site I have tried, I only found Scammers and yet when I inform the dating sites, they have done nothing.
Hence I have found out that EVERY dating site around the world is blacklisted in the F.B.I. for being Scam sites.

I have tried RSVP at a suggestion of a friend. This was during the time when my soon to be ex-husband was already dating another woman and I have been convinced by my friend to move on and meet people. As it was a paid dating site and since there was no emotional attachment when creating a profile, the standard of qualifications I required was very high. One has the control of screening invitations or sending invitations, posting or hiding your photo, and making your profile viewable to everyone or hidden to others. I don't think anyone would jump on meeting the other person face to face immediately. I suppose those who join paid dating sites are mostly mature individuals who are open minded to a new approach of meeting people. The site has also informative and safety tips on do's and dont's in online dating. I say, online dating is no different to meeting a stranger in a party or a pub. The advantage is that you both know your intentions why you agreed to meet each other and take it from them. It might work, it might not work.
I know a couple of people it worked for, and a couple of people it didn't. No different to being set up with a jerk or meeting someone that you didn't gel with at a bar. I think some people are out to take advantage of women too. But they are also in bars/offices/parties. I just think it gets judged differently.
So I think it works, in the same way as other dating.

As with other online interactions, there are caveats to online dating. Proceed with caution. A lot has been written about how to be street smart in the virtual world, and most online dating sites have helpful tips on how to avoid scams. Don't send money, protect your privacy, and meet at a time and place where you can be safe (and help is available if need be), are just some of the things to keep in mind. With that said, scientific study (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in the USA) has shown that relationships that started online tend to last longer, or are more stable (See the published journal article at http://www.pnas.org/content/110/25/10135). Online dating widens your limited social circle, and you get matched to people more or less fitting the profile you have specified. I have tried The One for Keeps (www.theoneforkeeps.com) and it is free to join, although you need to be a paid member if you want to start a conversation with someone you fancy. In the end, online dating works only if you exercise caution fitting in any online environment, and are able to move initial online introductions to a continuing offline interactions that could lead to more meaningful personal relationships.
If it works for someone, then go for it! So long as you be careful.
I lost my first wife after 40 years. After a few years I met another woman online, we met and lived together, then after about 5 years she told me she was still in love with a married friend, and had sex with him. Were now divorced
Lots of people don't trust dating sites, but I DO! This is a great opportunity to change your life for better, to meet somebody you have always been waiting for. Only thanks to online dating I'm so happy now, on https://kovla.com I met a man who made me feel as if I were the luckiest person in the world! So don't be afraid and do everything you can to be happy!
Yuck! 'How to Meet Creeps & be Influenced by Them'!
You've got to be REALLY desperate!
Isn't joining a Sports or Social Club 'acceptable' practice anymore, where you meet & talk with a real, live person?
'Caveat Emptor'!
I know someone who met her partner on line, & they were together for 9 years. He didn’t want kinds, she did, so she had to move on. A couple of years later when she moved interstate, she met 3 more guys, but they weren’t right for her, & THEN she met Mr RIGHT! They’ve been got gather 12 months yesterday in fact. He would love to start a family sometime in the near future! They are VERY happy & we think he’s Mr Wonderful!
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