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What do you think of Morris Dancing?

by Gayle Beveridge (follow)
Gayle Beveridge
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Morris Dancers by jusben via morgueFile
Morris Dancers (Image byby jusben via morgueFile)

Morris dance is an English folk dance. The dancers wear costumes and often bells and use sticks, swords or handerchiefs to enhance the dance. This form of dance has been practised since the fifteenth century.

What do you think of Morris dancing? Have you done it?

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I think it is part of England.
Have seen it,( being born there.)
Takes us back to years gone by, that is for sure!
I haven't done it.

I love Morris dancing and I would like to bet that it's actually been around for longer than just the fifteenth century.... the dances are to do with crop fertility and animal husbandry and different dances are tied very closely to different parts of the country. I danced with a Morris side some years ago but it is extremely energetic and terribly suited to the female frame and I got shin splints as a result. There is a lot of leaping around and stamping involved :)
I think old traditions like this are very important and should be as well preserved as possible. We are losing so much of our heritage, particularly those forms connected with the countryside, and that saddens me enormously.
I've seen Morris dancers on TV a few times. It's not my cup of tea but I've seen a couple of dancers with sticks and obviously they were quite practised. The skill was admirable.
I think it's pretty cool, though I have never done it myself.
I have not seen it and have not done it, and have no desire to do it!
by Finy
They look like prats!
And the relevance in the 21st Century is what exactly?
Have never liked it, looks just too stupid!
well aren't you a bundle of joy
by brigi
My opinion, to which I'm entitled!
Free speech right in this Country, so suck it up sweetheart!
by donjo
I think it's wonderful! Since I live in Australia I've only seen it once (at a folk festival) but I was completely charmed. Like Verity, I believe that old cultural traditions are very important, and that it's crucial to maintain them.
Love it. It is part of my culture and heritage so I always look upon it fondly.Very colourful too.
by Rice
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