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What do you think of labiaplasty?

by Jennifer Muirhead (follow)
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Paradise Jewel 'Flame' Orchid. Photo by Dougie WII, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

The recent ABC documentary The Vagina Diaries looked at the surgical procedure called labiaplasty, where the inner or outer labia, or lips of the vulva, are reduced. Some women have it done for medical reasons and others do it because they don't like the way their vulva looks or believe theirs is abnormal. Possible complications of the surgery include severe scarring and a loss of sensation.

Is it something you would consider having done or would want your partner to do? Do you think things would be different if more women saw the variety of different shapes and sizes vulvas come in?

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I think unless it has to be done, where a doctor was to say''you should have this done''..................leave well alone.
That's my take, and if there are such complications....wow!....no way.
p.s. I keep thinking about it....and saying Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!
by jonaja
O U C H !!
by Rice
I'm not a fan of unnecessary surgery. Every surgery carries a risk and so unless it is medically necessary I'd personally not be going there. That said its each to their own and of someone hated a certain part of their body and this was causing them great embarrassment, discomfort or anxiety I could understand the desire to take steps to change that.
I think it's a pity if women are driven to such extremes to feel normal or attractive but I guess if it's making you really uncomfortable all the time then it's your choice. I wish anatomy textbooks showed pictures of multiple vulvas so people would be more aware of all the variations that exist. It's not something I would ever do personally. I'm happy with the way I am and the idea of anybody going down there with scissors scares the heck out of me.
I'm hearing ya! lol
by jonaja
I wouldnt want to go through all that pain for anything except medical reasons.
The more women who undergo this among other surgeries, more our children will grow up thinking that they are abnormal, therefore more and more self-conscious, unhappy teenagers who are driven to do the same. I think if something is making some realy unhappy, and they have tried everything to change the way they feel about themselves, go ahead. But atleast give yourself the respect of trying to change your attitude towards yourself first.
Well said!
absolutely yes, especially if i have further 3rd degree tears this time around. would not do it until completely finished having kids though - why ruin a good repair?
I had no idea that child birth could alter labia appearance. You learn something every day.
by fran.
No need. Endeavour to avoid surgery like the plague. My partner and I are perfect in all the right places.
There are different flowers, there are different vulvae. Don't mess up your orgasms.
I try not to think about it, but I like your choice of photos. Heehee!
(so that's a no from me - I don't really get it at all)
Absolutely not! I agree, each to their own, but have our views of constitutes 'normality' become so distorted that we now have cosmetic procedures to 'repair' our genitalia? Unless something has gone terribly wrong during childbirth, I am grossly against the idea of labiaplasty. Moreover, contemporary pornography and today's raunch culture are not doing women or men any favours in creating and reaffirming ridiculous body image standards. Check out 'The Great Wall of Vagina' (http://dontpaniconline.com/magazine/radar/the-great-wall-of-vagina) - they come in all shapes and sizes!
by Vee
I watched this documentary and my eyes are still watering! It is difficult to say that it is absolutely un-necessary, it must be considered on a case by case basis. My dream is that women will become comfortable with their bodies and accept their uniqueness and not try to live up to some artificially constructed ideal. Until that happens women, some women, in the effort to feel better about themselves will engage in such activities. My wish for them is that it will work out as they hoped.
I would give it a miss unless ya gotta do it
A labiaplasty is akin to trying to have your vulva (usually hairless) look pre-pubescent. I find this totally distasteful. All women should be proud of their vulva and labia at the age they are. The thought of a labiaplasty is abhorrent, unrealistic and insulting to women of all ages.

Unless, upon the advice of my GP, to have this done, NO way!
Am a great believer in 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it'.

The women who have these type of 'surgeries' done are lacking self-confidence. We're ALL different in every way, such is the great diversity of the human race.

BTW: if females didn't have labia, urine would 'spray' everywhere! The labia direct the flow downwards..............
by donjo
I don't think the idea is to cut them off, just change the shape. Not my thing though.
if there is a "medical' Physical reason then thats why we have the technology. but if its just to feel better about your self then you have bigger issues that a bit of cut and stitch will not help
No. Non. Nein. Oh, hell no. My doctor would have to have an iron clad reason to convince me that this was necessary. I would be terrified and I would worry that infection might set in. As jonaj said . . ouch, ouch, ouch and ouch.
by Rice
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