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What do you think of 'beezin'?

by Jennifer Muirhead (follow)
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lip balm, beezin, home made lip balm
Photo by Francesca Cesa Bianchi, Milano, via Wikimedia Commons.

Apparently "beezin" is when you put lip balm (Burts Bees brand containing peppermint oil) on your eyelids to get high. Is this even a real trend, and if so, is it worth worrying about?

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I suspect it's either a hoax or began as one.

The peppermint oil would probably make your eyelids a bit tingly, and possibly irritate your eyes if it gets in them but that's about it. No reason it would create an actual high. So, just a relatively harmless silly fad. Certainly safer than "neknomination" (where they film themselves chugging alcohol then nominate someone else to do it). Meh. Kids will be kids.
Kids will be kids?
Wow better you don't see what I do then. :(
by jonaja
That was in reference to beezin. It's dumb, but pretty much harmless.
Since Burt's Bees is an all-natural product, some think it must be harmless. But doctors warn that beezin' could lead to serious health risks.
by jonaja
A remote possibility of damage to the eyes if they get something in there, and frankly if they can't figure out that getting something in your eyes that wasn't designed to go in them might be bad then I don't think the specific product they're using is the problem.
Really??? I just can't imagine that actually working. Plus peppermint oil in your eyes would be rather unpleasant! I think I'll just have a glass of wine .....
You know I hear about this kind of thing all the time.
This one has been around since 2005.

From where I see things, and dealing with people all different walk's of life....this is just another way to 'block out life'.Or do it because you can.

People will try 'anything' and I mean 'anything' if they have nothing better to do, mainly young people.
We also see 'cutting'- sniffing - even hanging -to get a high.
Beezin is just another one, and we shall see so many more to come.

It is well worth worrying about!
Anything used in a persons life, that is for a "High' is a person with unstable thinking.

Any form of 'getting high', is increasingly on the rise, and can not be ever considered part of a normal healthy life.

Nothing really surprises me any more, people are desperate to try something different.

I don't know that getting high in general is on the rise. Think about how old the practices of brewing and distilling alcohol and smoking are. Pretty much as soon as humans arrive in a new place one of the first things we seem to do is work out what there is around us (plants to ferment, mushrooms to eat, toads to lick) we can use to get high. Some highs are legal and very much mainstream (caffiene, alcohol, to a lesser extent now nicotine) and people lead pretty normal lives in spite of them. Excuse me while enjoy this delicious cup of caffienated tea...
Excuse me while I just think back to years of looking at self harm young people.
by jonaja
I agree with Jennifer. The opium trade throughout the ages tells its own story, people have been looking for a way to get high or to obliterate their lives since time began. Look at contemporary drawings of life in 1700s and 1800s London, where the desperately poor were spending their last coins on gin "drunk for a penny, dead drunk for tuppence".
I think we have found new ways to get high but that getting high itself is not new or on the rise. Neither is self-harming, that is also an ages old practice but possibly one that many people did not realise existed.
The list grows each year with 'new' ways young people try to get high.
Also with inmates that I deal with.Even poor old 'vegemite' has been used.People become desperate, and will stop at nothing for that high.
by jonaja
I didn't say drug use and self harm weren't bad, just that they aren't new (specific methods might be, not finding ways to get high) and that I doubt they're on the rise.
To get high? How is that possible? I don't know enough about it to say whether it is something to worry about. I'll have to do some reading.
by Vee
It's not possible. It's like when kids try and smoke things like oregano. It's dumb and won't work but people try it.
Smoking oregano?! Hahaha. Thanks for the clarification.
by Vee
I haven't heard of beezin, but then I'm not really tuned into popular culture these days. I'm not going to worry about it any more than I will worry about any other kind of drug-related trend. I remember from my youth that one trend that swept through my friends was trying to caramelise bits of banana that was supposed to get you high but all it did was make a mess of your mum's hob........
Frankly I would have thought lip balm on eyelids IF it does give you a high is only going to be a very slight high, probably no more than nicotine rush, and the irritation to the eyes would be very obvious. I'm more worried about smoking, alcohol and internet porn to be honest. They do far more harm than a bit of silly high from lip balm could ever do.
So THAT's why our Colorado rellies gave us some in our welcome pack last year when we visited for a family wedding! Obviously legalising pot there has not given the population a sufficient high. Glad I didn't try either. I've got enough problems with late life eczema around my eyes.
Whaaaaaaaaaat??? Bahahahahaha. Crazy.
by Rice
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