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What do you think of Bali and do you go there regularly?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you like Bali?

Do you go there regularly, and in which area do you stay?

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I thinbk I have been to Bali about 3 times in my life.

I went once to Clbu Med and really enjoyed that probably because I love eating! And you were entertained.

However the other times I went, I did not particularly like Bali, and we stayed at Sanur twice.

Have not been for years since all those new resorts have opened in different areas, and don't really have any desire to go back there.

I hate humidity.
by Finy
I have been to Bali twice, last was in 2010. The Hotel we stayed in was fabulous, the gardens very serene and extensive, loved it...we were on the beachfront in Seminyak and you could hear the ocean. Last time was long ago and stayed in Sanur. I loved it both times but have to admit find the poverty hard to stomach, despite this the people always have a smile on their faces and happy with the little they have....a lesson to us all perhaps
by Fran
It's not really the sort of place I'm drawn to. I'm more interested in travelling to see how people live in other places, to see amazing history, beautiful nature etc. Bali strikes me as a tourist destination more than the sort of place that would meet my need to learn about the world.
I have never been to Bali- I love the heat and idea of a holiday on the beach but I have to admit even the ads for the new show on TV: What happens in Bali are enough to put me off the idea...
Rachael -you need to think of how many people go there and take this show in context! It is sensationalised
by Finy
I have never been, and it is not on my to-do list.
I have never been to Bali,nor have I ever had any desire to go there. There are so many stunning regions in our own extensive and fascinating country,that I enjoy travelling in Australia/.
I have never been to Bali but I would like to go
by AJ
I've only been once, about a year ago. I think the beaches are gorgeous, although the areas surrounding them are very commercialised. However, I loved traditional towns inland as the Balinese culture is more intact and there are less tourists. The local people in these places are so friendly and hospitable. I especially liked Ubud, the island's cultural centre.
I've never been to Bali. There are so many wonderful beaches in Australia that I've never thought of venturing that far.
I have never been but I dont feel like Im missing out. I prefer going to places that are off the beaten path.
by Gia
I have never been but I dont feel like Im missing out. I prefer going to places that are off the beaten path.
by Gia
I would have to be dragged on a Bali bound plane kicking and screaming.
No never been and will not go.Far more nicer places from research and from talking to folks that have been. Choice really but Bali does not ring my bell.
I don't preferably. Told my daughter NOT to go there. Disobeyed me, of course! Within 12 hours of landing here, she was in ICU, totally red all over. Had to be in ice bath to bring her temp down. She stayed in ICU for THREE days!
Every test known to the doctors' was done, including Chikungunya, but we never found out what had caused the redness.
No ongoing problems though, & that was nearly four years' ago. Thank God.
Not taking onto account the current problems, I think the place is just the pits, always has been, always will be & I have no idea why people ever want to go there. It's NOT cheap & there're far better, cleaner, less corrupt places to go to.
by fran.
Totally agree with grann. You could give me first-class tickets and put me up in the penthouse suite of the finest hotel, and I wouldn't go to this God-awful place. I have no idea why people go - cheap food and alcohol is not a good enough reason. Disease anyone?
by donjo
I have never been and the thought of going there does not interest me at all. If I want to go somewhere tropical I like Fiji or our own Queensland. Been to both places, and they make great holiday destinations. I had my honeymoon on an island in the Whitsundays. Pure heaven!!!
Have been to Hayman Island many times since first going there as a kid.
Love it!
Most beautiful place to stay of all the Whisunday Islands!

Last time there, was in Suite, & standing on my Balcony, I looked straight down the Whitsunday Passage, which has many fond memories' for me!

Can't get better than that, IMHO!

by donjo
I agree Donjo !! Why leave our own backyard
by Lluxi
Yes, Lluxi, for a 'dump' of a place like Bali!
AND I mean a 'dump' in EVERY sense of the word!

IMHO, only other places I can lump in with it are India, Thailand, & Philippines'!
Only transitted the former, at several 'Cities' enroute UK & Europe.
Have stayed in the latter two......NEVER again!

Absolute p@&$- of Customs' bloke at Manila Airport, 'accidently' dropped our bag of perfectly legal Duty Free Liquor, just because he could, & enjoyed doing so, because he knew there wasn't a bee thing we could do about it! Totally jealous a$$wipe.........
I claimed it on my Travel Insurance when I got back.
by donjo
My first experience in Bali I was totally not prepared to being harrassed into buying. I found it confronting. I also didnt like the drug pushers that wouldnt take NO for the answer. They have the death penalty for drugs and the last executions has turned me off completely as they also executed a man with schizophrenia which I think is very very cruel. I dont think I will ever go back. They are very contradictory with their drug pushers.
I would never go to Bali,after they executed our boys,showing no compasion,they are Babarians, most of my friends feel the same.
Not if you paid me. Hypocritical laws and despicable acts by those in charge turn me right off.
In early January 1995, I took my 2 teenage daughters to Bali, with a friend & her 15/6 year old son. We spent 3 weeks, back-packing, staying in home-stays, with breakfast, for $3 each! You can't beat that. We started off in Ubud, where we had a lovely 3hr massage for $18! Those were the days! Every home-stay we stayed at, was only $3 each. We caught a ferry to Lombok & stayed at a few homesteads there, after taking a little boat out to Gli Air. None of the home-steays had top sheets so we used my spare sarongs. I'd taken about 8 packets of mossie coils also. there was no hot water, but the cold water was warm anyway, so that was ok. And we stayed well away from Kuta, which was way too "upmarket' for us! In March '99, my youngest daughter took my husband over there for a holiday! My eldest daughter, partner & their 2 year old daughter had a lovely holiday there in '08 or 09. The home-stays were then only $50 a night by then, & they had a great time, far from the maddening crowds!
by Miro
Since I wrote the above, my youngest nephew & his partner moved over there to live, while setting up their expensive leather handbag business. Now there engaged, & my husband & I will be going over there for their wedding, in early August '17, & NO, not to KUTA which I've heard is a dump of a place!
by Miro
P.S: The August wedding will be in Seminyak.I don't know how long we'll be staying there. When we went to a wedding in India of another nephews, end of March '14, we stayed for 3 weeks! We had a week with everyone before the wedding, & we stayed on another 2 weeks, when everyone else went home. 65 of us went over from Sydney, NSW. I don't know how many are going to the Balinese wedding, as yet.
by Miro
I love Bali. The greenery, the food , the beaches I, everything .
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