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What do you think of 'baby school'?

by Vee (follow)
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anitapeppers, morguefile.com

A program known as 'Shichida Education' is taking Australian families by storm.

With students as young as five months, these classes teach math and languages.

What do you think of 'baby school'?

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I think it's unenecessary and ridiculous. Education is not a race. Babies learn like crazy just by watching the people around them but they don't need to be doing any sort of formal education at that point. In fact I would think you'd risk overstimulating them and/or stunting their development.
I think it sounds like an awful idea. They start preschool soon enough, & then their off to primary school. They don't NEED baby school. Who ever thought that was a great idea to make money, must have had rocks in their head!!!
by Miro
I'm a bleiever in letting children be children. Childhood is short enough without taking away from it. There's plenty of time to learn.
I think it's completely unnecessary. If children (even very young babies) are in a loving and stimulating environment they'll naturally learn so much. They don't need formal classes...let them learn in a natural fun way through play and independent discovery!
That's wrong in a hundred different ways.

Poor little baby can't even be a baby for 2 mins, and it's off to school.
I agree with Jennifer about the overstimulating them....not good.

Childhood as Gayle says is short enough.

If a child is bright, it will come out anyway later down the track.
Nothing wrong with Mum dong a few little things to help a child, but ''Baby School'' sounds just awful.

It's very un natural, and that's a no-no for any baby.
I do not think it is necessary or helpful in the long run. Kids learn more from free playing in their early years. There are neural connections being made while they play as infants and toddlers that improve their acquisition of language and math, etc., later in life. I think it makes people nervous when something can't be quantified and measured, and it is hard to know exactly what a child is learning when they play - but they are most definitely learning something important! My opinion anyways!
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For me, this one is a no-brainer
5 answers
ID: 31984
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