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What do you think about same-sex marriage?

by annep (follow)
Marriage (63)      Politics (39)      Weddings (10)      Gender Equality (2)     

gay marriage, same sex marriage, marriage equality, love, weddings

Just when Australians in ACT are enjoying the legalisation of same-sex marriages, a few days ago, a bill which would have allowed the same thing to happen in NSW was defeated by one vote in the Upper House.

It's a contentious issue that can polarise many people.

What about you? Do you think we should have same-sex marriage in the whole country and all over the world?

#Gender Equality
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I would love to see same-sex marriage legalized around the world. I have a hard time understanding how the government has any say in regard to how adults love each other. As long as it's consensual, and everyone is of age, then I'm all for it.
There is no moral justification for denying someone rights based on their sexuality.

I really cannot understand it when people say they think same sex marriage will destroy the institution of marriage. How exactly? I'm married, and two men getting married or two women getting married doesn't affect my marriage in the slightest. It simply has nothing to do with me, the way straight couples getting married or divorced has nothing to do with me.
Governments around the world need to get with the program and focus on making our world a better place, not dictating to the people who they can and can't marry.
I think everyone deserves to have their own happiness, even if they are gays or lesbians. It's amazing how people claims to support equality when they still refuse to accept that people of the same sex can get married and build a family just like anyone else.
It's simple. Two people that love each other get married.
Agree. Two people in love, and they want to get married. They deserve the respect and recognition like straight people in this situation.
I think it's weird this is still an issue, and totally embarrassing the lengths the govt has gone to in order to overturn this. That said, if churches don't want to recognise it, fair enough, in the same way they shouldn't have to allow non catholic/jewish/muslim/CofE (whatever demonization) get married in the church/temple/mosque.
Civil Ceremonies, go for it.
'Demonization'? Where the hell did THAT come from?
Did you mean 'Denomination'?
by donjo
Ha! Autocorrect on a roll, I'm afraid. Yes Denomination....
By current Constitutional Legislation, 'marriage' is still defined as between a male & a female.

Two men together or two women together cannot procreate by each other. Physical impossibility, in case nobody's realised.
If same-sex 'twosomes' are joined together, it should be called something other than 'marriage'.
Nothing wrong with it.
by Finy
I think same sex marriage is wonderful. I'm all for it.
by Miro
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