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What do you think about dog owners who don't clean up after their dog poops?

by Finy (follow)
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What do you think of dog owners who do not clean up after their dogs?

#Dog defecation
#Dog rubbish
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This makes me so angry!
I always have these "deposits" on my front lawn.
I am a responsible dog owner who cleans up after walking my dog, and I cannot see how people can ignore it.

Sometimes it is on the pathway and they still just ignore it -round here it is always small dog owners who seem to think it is OK!
by Finy
I agree totally about people who don't act responsibly about their dogs' doings.and YES!! These dog owners ARE small,in all the ways which matter!!!
by Jules
I think it's awful when people don't clean up the mess of their animals. I think it's very irresponsible. It's not only annoying for people who step on it but potentially harmful if a small child falls in it
by AJ
It's a bit gross but at least it's biodegradable, unlike some of the rubbish that people throw around. It doesn't seem to happen very much these days, though. When I was a child there seemed to be a lot more dogs on the street making a mess everywhere.
I hate it when people don't pick up after their animals! It's very disrespectful. It's even worse when I'm mowing my front yard and I go over some ancient dog poop. Gross!
It get's my blood boiling big time, that's what I think.
I have even told folk to clean up the mess, on my lawn.!
LOL at your picture!!!
I should have mentioned -one day a lady with a tiny dog pooed while I was there and I asked her did she have a bag and she answered, she didnt need one -it wasnt much!!! I could have slammed her if i were a violent person.
I find the little ones are the worst as you dont see them and small dog owners seem to think because they are small it doesnt matter
by Finy
lol I'm hearing ya !
by jonaja
The sign should rad "dog-owner" not dog, it is of no fault of the dog...
by brigi
too true.
by jonaja
It's gross and inconsiderate but not something I really get angry about.
Prefer them to be picked up for sure...
by Fran
Poop heads.
by Vee
haha Vee! you mean the owners not the dogs?
My little half blind whippet has taken to squatting to do one, as i once gave him a biscuit! does nothing but wants a biscuit
by Finy
Haha Finy, yes the owners.
by Vee
by AJ
by AJ
by AJ
Yuck. It's really annoying. Especially if somebody steps in it.

They stink!
I think these people are RUDE, as well as IGNORANT,and just plain LAZY!! The health issue also needs to be remembered in this matter!! It is the easiest thing in the world these days to clean up after our beloved pets with all the paraphernalia available in the stores to aid us to do so!!!
May these horrid folk forever find themselves stepping in dog pooh from OTHER likeminded ratbag pet owners!!!
Dog poo carries parasites which can be passed on to anyone who come into contact; you, your kids, your pets. Also, the bacteria gets into our waterways and creates nutrients for weeds and algae, which develops into a toxic waterway, eventually affecting even fish. So owners should be fined and made to clean up!
That erks me! I'm a responsible poop picker-upper. I take 2 dogs for a walk, armed with a small plastic shopping bag which contains 3 x sheets of paper towel and a small size plastic freezer bag. I pick up with the paper towel then place in the freezer bag then put in the Council bin on my way back home. Easy, can't see why other can't do it. However, if I see them I would say something.
I think most councils now have laws requiring the mess to be picked up. The amount I see, on my junk mail rounds, defies belief, but then I do see a lot of responsible people picking it up, obviously prepared with a plastic bag.

As one who walks everywhere, I don't particularly want it on my jeep wheels or shoes.
There are the rare occasions one is not aware their dog has pooped because the dog has done it whilst walking or running far away, or one has run out of cleanup bags, but yes, of course the poop should be picked up, even when there has been a sloppy drop! BTW, there is a fair bit of human excrement out there and that is not picked up! Most people are responsible these days and thank goodness the others are in the minority. I find that the irresponsible folk are the ones that bad mouth you when asked to please clean up, LOL...
I am a dog owner. A dog owner that walks her dogs A dog owner who cleans up the poop of her dogs. It offends me when animal owners do not take responsibility for their pets. It is the height of rudeness to think that someone would like to walk through you puppies waste. I hate stepping in dog doo doo and I dont expect that anyone else would enjoy the experience. It doesnt take long to pick it up, it is just polite.
agreed Shelley!
by Finy
I used to be diligent in picking up after my dog. But now I have MND and am confined to a wheelchair so I now can't do it. Any suggestions?

difficult one-what about something with a long handle? that probably would not work depending on whether you can bend, and turn in the chair.

Im sorry to hear you have this disease -life sucks at times..
Do your dogs or dog walk nicely next to the wheelchair, and not pull?
by Finy
LET your dog take a POOP in your garden before you take it for a walk
by farle
It's only fertiliser, I don't know what the big fuzz is all about.
Typical attitude of the LAZY FEW
by farle
Yes, yes, it's only fertiliser . . . until you have stepped in it and it squishes all over your shoe and you cart it home and squish it into the door mat and it stinks like death all through the house. But, hey, why be bothered by some lazy armpit's total lack of consideration for his fellow man . . ?
by Rice
If it is fertilizer take it home and put it on your front lawn.
by farle
Most council by-laws state that dog owners are required to dispose of their pet's excrement. Beside this it is only courtesy to have a poo bag or two on you when your dog goes out for a walk. I don't want to step in dog poo or for others to do so. I don't want my dog to walk in it either. As we are legislated to walk our dogs on leashes, it should also be for dog owners to pick up the dog poo that they are responsible for. How much time does it take and how belittling is it to stoop and pick it up?
The poor dog in the image can't even clean his own bum bum - that's a double sad for the owner.

. . .and the poor baby has a muzzle on too :(((((
by Rice
Dirty, lazy, irresponsible, law-breaking HUMANS'.
Lazy good for nothings, if you leave the mess expect one day someone to put it in your mail box or on your door step
I would like to see more Dog Rangers out early catching these people and giving them an automatic on the spot Fine of $50.
and made to pick the poop up and put it in a bin.
The same of an evening where are the DOG RANGERS?
More people should ask the same question to local Council.

Make them eat it. Lazy pigs. I would never let my dogs leave a mess anywhere.
by Rice
Lazy dirty sods.
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