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What do you think about banning single use plastic bags?

by Finy (follow)
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What do you think of supermarkets banning single use plastic bags?

#Plastic bags
#Single use
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I think it is a money making exercise for supermarkets.
Woolworths want to charge me $1 for delivering with bags even though I usually only have about 3 bags with my small orders.
Also I now buy plastic bags which I use each day in two indoor rubbish bins, so what is the point!

It is a big rip off by the supermarkets and absolute rubbish. Especially when there is so much wrapped in plastic anyway, and this other plastic does not get re-used like most people do with single use bags.
by Finy
I'm all for it. There is far too much plastic pollution our oceans, streets, and practically every other corner of planet
Apparently the bags we got from the Supermarket did not break down, as the ones they now make that we have to buy.

Hence the reason for all this.

The ones we got at the supermarket were made with chemicals that took years and years to decompose.Some saying it could be over 100 years!

Good to know, and we just have to make sure we buy the bags that are earth friendly.
Sure, we have to pay but if it helps the earth why not.

I just wish they had done this 20 years sooner!!

Look at the new bags - they are only 60% recyclable - no different to old ones - take years also - and what about lining bins?
by Finy
The bags we are told to use Finy are very different.....There is a whole rang of bags one can invest in.
I only bought the nylon stiched ones from Woolies, they can be folded to be very tiny...I have two in my very small handbag, never know they are there!

Plus I can wash them, so they are always clean.They dry inside the house in 1 hour.

I use them not just for food shopping...of which I bought 15, as we do not like heavy bags, don't mind how many.

As for the kitchen bin bags, as you see in my reply, the ones we now have to buy, are made of a plastic that is far better for mother earth.

They do break-down.

The ones we use to get when buying food, by the supermarkets were made of a plastic that did not break down for many many years.
by jonaja
I also have two in my very small handbag. LOL . . . . and the back of my car is full of baskets, cooler bags and extra foldable bags. It feels good to go back to "the old ways". x x x
by Rice
Exactly :)
by jonaja
I think it is a wonderful idea and we should have done it years ago!! Us humans have to start taking responsibility for what we are doing to our environment. It breaks my heart to see what these bags, and plastics in general, have done to the environment and marine life. Seeing them littering the streets and waterways is unsightly, and I imagine, costly to maintain. There is always an alternative and we found it in these new bags. Sure it's not nice having to pay for them, but if you bring your own bags, you don't have to pay. I always have some in my car, so if I am out and about and need shopping , I can, without buying more bags. These new bags will drive behavioural change, and that's what is needed. It can be a bit inconvenient for a while, but we will all manage. It will become part of life. What I am dreading is the big Christmas shop that we have to do every year ( for food ). I doubt I will have enough bags for that. Might have to do it in bits and pieces instead of all in one go. Usually at Christmas you see people with overflowing trolleys at the registers as they get all their food and drinks for Christmas day. I don't really want to buy any more bags, as for the rest of the year, they won't be needed.

I wish we had never gone down that road to start with. When I was a kid it was kraft brown paper bags and before that my mother sent us to the shop with a string bag. Funny how in those days we only bought what was needed. My mother's blue string bag was in service for nearly 50 years. We humans are inherently uncaring, I fear. Makes me very sad.
by Rice
Yes. I agree, Rice. Some poor person thought it was a good idea, and he made the plastic bag companies very rich. I remember those paper bags were great, unless they ripped or got wet!!!
by Lluxi
Actually, I could scream. Those of us here find it so easy to use our own. It has honestly appalled me how the supermarkets are spoon feeding the younger generation into the change. *Bah, Humbug"! Now they are stealing the damned trolleys. Lazy beyond belief.
by Rice
The actual answer to the question is . . . . No matter how they dress it up, they are still coming out on top and making money. Grrrrrrr. (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง
by Rice
It can only be good.
We have had single use bags banned in SA for years. I have bought insulated bags which I leave in my car & take with me when I go into the supermarket. For picking up a few things on my way home I have one of those very strong nylon bags which folds up to nothing in my bag for that. They come in all colours & patterns, wash well, dry well etc. The bags the supermarkets sell now break down much better. Bags are not really an issue here now & it's much simplified & better for the environment. Should have happened decades ago.
I agree with you and also live in SA. Twenty five years ago one of the local supermarkets here in my neck of the woods had a scheme to encourage people to avoid using plastic supermarket bags for their groceries. They issued a card and put a stamp on it each time you used your own bag or cardboard box. Once you had 33 stamps you got $1. These days, like others have said, I keep those bags that fold up in my handbag so I always have my own bags where ever I go. One soon gets into the habit.
I too agree it should have happened a long time ago! I have taken my own bags for many years and never buy fruit and vegetable in plastic! I buy recycled garbage bags and glad wrap! I take my own cup if I ever buy coffee and tale a drink flask with tap water, The big corporations need to work harder to reduce waste as well. Our oceans are a huge disgrace! Take your own containers for cakes and bread etc... I recently read that we can buy soaps with out wrapping, every bit helps! I must say that my effort is noticeable as my bins are only a quarter full... now the council can remove waste collection fee LOL!
Good luck on the waste collection fee, LOL
by helya
Yes LOL I can't see that happening!
by brigi
Brigi . . . you are so right! I was almost embarrassed to put my bin out last Friday - it looked tragic. Two little bags in the bottom rattling around. LOL
by Rice
40 years late
I think it's a great idea as most people have mentioned, & it should have happened many years ago. My daughter gave me 8 different plain coloured ones 1 Christmas so now I take the ones that match my dress I'm wearing when I go shopping. Both of our daughters & there partners, have used black material shopping bags for as long as I can remember. Once Coles even gave us 40 extra flyby points when we used our own bags, just after the changeover happened!
by Miro
I agree with it
by AJ
There are pros and cons to this for me personally.

Pro: more environmentally friendly
Con: we don't get free bin liners anymore.

I have kepted/saved/collected a stash of plastic bags from my previous shops! But that stash is slowly depleting.
Couldn't agree more.
I'm all for it. I don't use them anymore.
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