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What do you like to do on rainy days?

by lizzi (follow)
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Odd book
Some people like to read on a rainy day.

We're coming into the wet season here in far north Qld - a few months of lots of rainy days. What do you like to do on rainy days?

#Rainy days
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I tend to laze around more. When it is overcast, I feel low, and don't have the motivation or energy to do anything.
It's a toss up between reading a good book or writing an article or story. I'd probably do a bit of both.
They make me a tad sad.
I Love the sunshine, and have to say they don't do a great deal for my mood.
Watching t.v. or on the computer.Maybe even paint.
You paint, jonaj?
by Vee
Have done for over 28 years.
Use to do very large works on Canvas, and I was
able to sell them all....Now I do small watercolours, and enter
Comps etc...and sold a lot on ebay. :)
by jonaja
When I don't have the kids around I like to use the rainy days to catch up on reading, work or TV. With the kids I have no idea what we will do!! Keeping them in the house isn't a great idea and luckily up here it is warm enough to play in the rain. Or we might go to the local shopping centre and have milkshakes and ride the carousels.
Probably read or tidy the house.
by Vee
Read, knit, clean the house etc.
Read Newspers & catch-up watching my VHS Tapes of recorded tv programmes, which I love.
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