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What do you drink at a cafe?

by Justine Crowley (follow)
Independent Business Consultant, Doctor, HubGarden Editor and Author/Publisher of four self help books: www.smashwords.com/profile/view/JustineCrowley
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what do you drink at a cafe, drink, cafe, coffee, cafe coffee

Not everyone is into drinking something brewed by a barista. You might prefer an icy drink instead. What do you drink when hanging out at a cafe?

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Only herbal tea, or a hot chocolate.
Gave Coffee and normal tea away 50 years ago.
Latte, capuccino or an iced coffee in summer
Latte - there something about that coffee that is just special.
Cafe mocha is my all time favourite. If the day is too hot I would prefer a lemon iced tea
Skinny vanilla latte, every time. Creature of habit. Throw a cafe cake into the mix, and I'm a happy bunny.
Tea if they have decent leaf tea. Otherwise hot chocolate.
Water! Just joking. Depends on the weather, but I am not much of a hot-beverage consumer.
Usually a latte. On a very hot day I'll have an iced coffee, but that is a rarity.
Double choc chip frappuccino or anything cold and chocolatey.
by Vee
Cappuccino, iced mocha or iced coffee.
I tend to go with the easy stuff, either plain ole coffee, or an americano (a shot of espresso with hot water added).
Hot chocolate.
If I'm with friends, I'll drink Earl Grey tea. If I'm with family, I'll have a milkshake. If on my own, I'll have a hot chocolate (preferably with a marshmallow)

by Faye
Cold Pineaple Juice, freshly squeezed OJ, Hot Cocolate in Winter.
Tomato Juice if Brekky Time.
And, of course, Cappucino or Muggacino.
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