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What do you do with your child during the summer break?

by annep (follow)
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It's summer, and for parents with children at school, it means they now have their little ones at home 24/7. The problem is, even when the kids don't go to school, their parents still have to go to work. Should you let your children relax and spend the summer anyway they want or send them to a summer camp?

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It depends on the kids and their age. With older kids I think it's nice for them to have a chance to just BE for a change rather than rushing from class to class and activity to activity. There's no harm in being lazy once in a while and most kids can make their own fun if left to themselves. I know as a kid I relished the chance to just sit and read for a while on school holidays. On the other hand, if your child is in the habit of doing dangerous, reckless things like lighting fires when left to themselves then they're going to need some proper supervision.

My kids are little (not yet school age) and I don't have a paid job so school holidays are much the same as usual for me except that some of the stuff I'd normally take them to is closed and there are other different activities on during the holidays.
Summer Camp.

My son works at one, and the kids love it.
Plus gives mum and dad some time out...

we do at least one arts and craft activity a day, and play board games. we also do at least 2-3 outings a week (to the pool/zoo/city). maybe watch movies. right now, tennis and cricket are on and we are all huge fans of that.
Even though it's summer break, I think discipline and routines should be maintained. Or else, the children will soon act like a bunch of wild monkeys in no time.
We let the kids relax a bit, catch up with friends and have planned activities as well. There's nothing worse than letting kids get bored, so you need to mix it up enough to give them some free time to do what they want and relax along with activities that will keep them interested. Swimming and picnics can be great in summertime, along with movies and play dates.
I'm at home at the moment, so we go off exploring and going to museums or shows. We also do a lot of swimming. Ask me again later in the year...may not have time off!
Give them to grandparents to mind!
by Finy
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