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What do you do while your baby naps?

by lizzi (follow)
Helping plant the seeds of positive birth. www.sproutbirthing.com.au
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Sleeping dude
The only thing more beautiful than a sleeping baby is a sleeping toddler!! My own image.

New mums are always told "sleep when the baby sleeps" but rarely do! What do / did you do when your baby naps? (If your baby naps...not all do!!)

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My youngest is a toddler now, but when they were babies, while they napped I used to do housework and eat lunch. Now the toddler still has a day sleep (touching wood) and his big sister and I eat together or take the opportunity to play a card game we can't really play while he's awake (he wants to join in and will rip the cards).
When my kids are napping (or maybe that should be...If my kids nap!) I take the chance to have lunch without anyone throwing food at me or I race out to my computer and do some writing. Every now and then I will have a short nap as well, but I try to use the time to do things child free!
I use to go do some house painting, or clean up.
Back then you had to prove you were a good housewife, and as awful as it sounds....it was part of life.
I just kept going...and going...only to find out my husband didn't really think much of it!
I was totally crushed.
I miss naptime! I used to have a shower and get ready to go out during his morning nap and I always slept with him during his afternoon nap. When he was a tiny baby and napped more often than that I just napped with him. Always. No way was housework or anything else more important than getting some sleep!
Housework, lunch, writing, cooking, reading or the occasional nap.
by Vee
My motto was: 'baby's asleep, I sleep'.....catching up on much needed rest after night/early morning (2am!) feeds!
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