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What do you do if you lock your keys in the car?

by Ivana Katz (follow)
Ivana is passionate about travel, writing, photography and website design. Visit her at: www.adventurehq.com.au
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locked out, car keys, locked keys in car, lost car keys

Have you ever lost your car keys or locked them in the car? What did you do? Do you have a spare somewhere? Who can you you call for help?

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If you're in RACQ (or the equivalent in other states) you can just phone up and they arrive pretty quickly to let you in. It's a bit embarrassing but they see it all the time and won't make fun of you. Keeping a spare key is a good plan too.

My Dad once locked the keys in the car while it was parked on a beach with the tide coming in and had to break a window with a coconut. Bit of a MacGuyver solution that one. It was expensive to repair but not as expensive as a new vehicle.
Remember never to break the side window. Always go for the windscreen, as generally speaking, it is cheaper to replace. A bit of a nuisance if you have to drive a long way from a remote place to have it repaired, but more economical.
by grann
The NRMA can help or perhaps a locksmith as long as you can prove it is your car.
I keep two sets of keys in my bag for this reason, nothing worse than locking yourself out of the car (or the house) and being stuck somewhere or not being able to make it to an appointment (or work, or to pick up the kids...). I think everyone has locked themselves out at some point. I know people who keep a spare key on the outside of their car, I don't think it's a good idea but it works for them. Leaving a spare key with a family member or friend might be an option and the auto clubs in each state can also help - usually you'll have to join up if are not already a member.
Well, before you call the AA or locksmith, try a key that is similar to your car key to see if you can open it. I did that with someone whose key was locked in the car and we both got a surprise when my bazaar idea opened it. Of course there is the wire coat hanger that feeds down the window down to the door knob. But that can scratch the car which is more expensive that a locksmith. Ask me, been there done that! You can also find out pricing of what it would cost to have a locksmith versus what it would cost to break a window. I know that sounds drastic, but sometimes that works out better. I just know from personal experience that the smaller windows are the more expensive. Don't know why that is. And lastly, you can have car insurance that covers things like this. In this way, you know you are car will be treated like a star and you won't have to prove ownership, break a window, or any other bazaar acts of "survival".

A bazaar is a market place, usually ME Countries!

by donjo
There's always a spare key to the cars I drive (I share a few between the members of my household) so there's always someone to call who can come and unlock it.
Has s never happened, and hope it never will. Have a spare set of keys in your handbag and/or home. Otherwise call the NRMA.
Call my son!

He's a LOCKSMITH....he he he he

And....yes I have had to call him :)

Go nuts! Our little toddler once locked himself and the keys in the car and 2 NRMA guys arrived within minutes - and then managed to get in quickly, otherwise they smash a window (due to child). All the time, our son thought it was hilarious and kept waving the keys at us (we were trying to get him to press the button)
I don't think my car can lock with the key in it anymore - it's all electrical. My concern is getting locked in if it flooded (all those electricals would malfunction)
Hadn't thought about it, but I probably would panic first then somehow find a way to get home, collect the spare set of keys, find my way back to the car and drive off. Then again the problem is, my house keys are attached to the car keys. Should give it some thought!
Call NRMA....done it many times! now in this car it's almost impossible...
Once, accidentally dropped keys into boot, as they slopped from my hand as I close sing boot-lid! Oops!

Auto Assist chap arrived, opened driver's door easily, pulled out back seat, & all other paraphernalia. Used a long hook steel rod, through hole in parcel rack, which he said is designed exactly for what he was doing, saw keys easily, hooked them, & brought them out!

Then he put all back together again!

My boot is permanently on 'key lock', so boot auto-release can't be used by a possible thief.
There's a steel wall between back of back seat & boot space. This is for security, & a safety enhancement.

As my house keys were on same ring-chain, I couldn't get into house to get spare car keys, so I was really up s@&$ creek without a paddle!

Thankfully, this was at the end of my day, & I wasn't heading to a medical appt, or a Concert!

Silly, silly me!
I now place keys on rear bumper bar, once I've unlocked boot!
I called the NRMA when I did this with my previous car but because it didn't have the pull button release I was really concerned the mechanic would damage my door with what he was using to lever the door ajar to release the lock. Those guys really know their job. No damage at all and a profusely grateful member thanking and commending him on the result.
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