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What do you do if you can't sleep at night?

by Finy (follow)
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What do you do at night if you can't sleep?

Do you count sheep, do you get up, do you just lie there, do you make a cup of tea, or what do you do?

#Sleep deprivation
#Lack of sleep
#Count sheep
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I have only lately had this happen where I am awake sometimes two hours in the night.
It is really annoying, and I do not get up apart from to go to the bathroom.

At first I used to turn on the television as that puts me to sleep when I first go to bed, but this no longer helps and the noise, light annoys me, so I just usually lie there or sometimes take a pill, depending on the time.
by Finy
I try laying in bed and doing some deep breathing or meditation techniques. This always seems to work for me.
I listen to audio books on my iPod. Works a treat. Or else listen to meditation tapes.

I read a book, and I fall asleep within 5 - 10 minutes.

Works every single time, when I am in a nice warm bed.
Annoy the crap out of my husband I've been told. I fidget, get out of bed and give a running commentary (apparently), on how much sleep I've not had. I'll often just get up and read a book and then try again..,to sleep not to annoy the hubby.
Play Bejeweled on my phone until my eyes grow tired.
by Vee
I generally sleep okay...if not I take a pill!
by Fran
If I don't sleep well it's usually because I have a re-enactment of the Chainsaw Massacre going on next to me (hubby snoring)! Even if I tell him to turn over he starts up again so I get up and sleep somewhere else.
It happens a lot - I just lie there and try to switch off my mind
by AJ
This almost never happens to me. But when it does i just lay down in bed and think about upcoming tasks or get up and do some book work until I start falling asleep. That will knock out anybody.
This almost never happens to me. But when it does i just lay down in bed and think about upcoming tasks or get up and do some book work until I start falling asleep. That will knock out anybody.
Doesn't happen to me often, but if so, watch a VHS tape of a favourite TV show, then fall asleep, as so relaxed!
Get up have a tea & read

I get up when I can not sleep and I have a cup of Calamine Tea...it does settle me a lot and after doing a puzzle I go back to bed...pending the time...
Do you mean "camomile"? Calomine is a pink lotion applied to bites & stings, or hives to calm down the itch/sting.
by helya
If I am very awake, I make a cup of tea and read for a while. If not, I put on an audio book and usually drop off in less than 10 minutes.
by Rice
This happens a lot lately because I am feeling stressed and greiving. I try not to worry. My problems are gigantic in the middle of the night.
Tactics I use are choosing a number eg- 2958 , and counting backwards by 7. I often loose track and have to concentrate on the last number I was certain of.
If my husbamd is away I can put the radio on and listening to that keeps me from worrying. Sometimes when home alone, I will get up and clean out my fridge or achieve another chore until I am ready to sleep again.
I can sleep every night, but when my husband can't sleep he reads for a few hours, & then he can sleep!! When I've been going to sleep I've sometimes started to count backwards from 100. I've only got to about 70, before I've fallen asleep!
by Miro
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