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What do you consider sports?

by Bryony Harrison (follow)
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Image from MogueFile

Fishing, snooker, darts, golf, all of these are considered sports, yet involve little physical activity for the most part in comparison to other sports. Do you consider these sports or just games? What do you think defines a sport? Does the amount of exercise or physical activity one gets out of it relevant?

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It is more about precision, than physical activity with snooker,darts.
(Fishing is an unusual one, I'm still out with how I see that.)
Golf is physical at some stages, and because the bar has been lifted on these I consider them sports.
They take a lot of skill, and so that's why they are now sports.Plus, it opens it now up for people who love these activities....to compete.
Although golf, darts, and snooker can be physically strenuous when played on a professional level or for an extended period of time, I don't consider a casual game as a sport. As for fishing, it is physically demanding for a fisherman out at sea, who has it as a career, but I see fishing either a job or a hobby, not a sport.
Anything that gets you moving, that makes you sweat, that makes you burn calories is a sport according to me. :P
So do you consider going to the gym a sport?
Yes, I'd say so.
by Xarah
According to me, anything that involves a competition is a sport for me. For that matter, even life is a sport. After all, we all are always competing for money, peace, happiness, career, job
Some things get tagged as sports because they are competitive rather than being overly physically taxing. Such things as race car driving and snooker come to mind. A lot of skill is involved. Fishing I'm not sure of, if it is skill or luck that catches a fish.
If it doesn't raise a sweat, then it's not a sport.
Those listed are games, not Sports, IMO!

There's much more involved with, eg, Equestrian Events, from Pony Club to Olympic Games, than ANY of those 'leisurely' activities!

Think of all the HOURS, effort & money, for a top class Swimmer, Diver, Gymnast, Athlete to TRAIN!
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