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What do you collect?

by Bryony Harrison (follow)
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Some people collect things in the hope that they will rise in value in years to come, while others just collect for the joy of it. If you are a collector, which category do you fall in to, and what is it that you collect? What got you started?

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One of my biggest collection is that of books. Starting from the light reading I got when I was a kid to the classic novels I managed to find later. I have the whole collection of novels by Jane Austen, the Sherlock Holmes series by Conan Doyle, some other short stories by Edgar A. Poe and a few other authors. As for modern literature, I have the Harry Potter series, some chicklits by best-selling authors and a few thrillers.
Another collection is that of bank notes. I collect the notes and coins, dividing by history and the governments which printed them.
At my timeof life all I want to collect are good friends.
While my dad has been a stamp collector ever since he was a child, I have gone on and off collecting a whole bunch of different things. As a kid I used to collect conkers, tazos, and beanie babies; as a teen, I collected sci-fi action figures, and gem stones. I still have a majority of these collections, but for the last two years my mum and I have gotten addicted to collecting collectible bears from the Charlie Bears company. The bears are about the only thing I have collected that are of any value, but I don't see myself ever wanting to give them up.
Like others, one of my largest collections is of books, although I don't collect first editions, or anything like that. When I was younger I used to have lots of collections of things like ceramic animals and stickers. I'd like to havea collection of old maps, which I'm going to start as soon as I move to a bigger house.
I collect Vases.

No idea how it started, just like them...give them...buy all kinds...I also collect to sell on line.

They are a wonderful gift, and very interesting in colour..shape..design.

I don't have too many, but if I had a big house, I would have a lot more.

Don't collect just 'any' kind, they have to be quite lovely & special.

You can have very little in your house, and a Vase on a table or shelf, can be
a great statement.
I started collecting china owls when I was eight years old. I have parted with some of them over the years when the de-cluttering mood has hit me. Once I donated a few to a work trading table only to have a colleague who knew I collected owls buy them and give them back to me! Noiw I am just keeping my favourites.
Haha! That's funny.
Was a stamp collector, now it is books.
Maps of Australia pre British settlement, have I have maps of the west side of the continent with the east of he continent missing from when the Dutch did exploration pre British settlement . These prints (I only have one original map purchased before the maps became collectable attracting huge price tags )adorn y walls along with artwork and it was great to tell the stories of the explorers to children as they grew up and now to visiting children - it was a fascinating time in history.
by anne
I do like books, but I have to say that I love collecting Buddahs. There is just something about those little chubby ones with the big bellies that I cannot resist. Here is one that I keep in my kitchen which doubles as an inscence stick holder. The stick goes in the little hole just above his belly button :)

I collect rocks. My mum does too and I definitely got it from her.
Porcelain figurines.
I use to collect the Porcelain Dolls of the World as a little girl. Gosh that brings back memories! Now I collect books: fiction, non-fiction, picture books.
by Vee
I collect several things including old Salt & Pepper shakers, childrens illustrated books, and antique buttons.
by Finy
I collect several things including old Salt & Pepper shakers, childrens illustrated books, and antique buttons.
by Finy
I have a huge collection of Records of my choice & that's Classical,Rock,Folk & Rock Blues & Jazz.
Then I've a huge collection of Books. Books dealing with cold war,espionage ,politics & so on.
My husband collects model trains - both steam and diesel and electric. They're pretty cool and overtime they will increase in value (I hope). He has over 65 locomotives and over 250 bits of rolling stock.
by Vee
Oh no, 'both steam and diesel and electric'. It's late.
by Vee
My husband collects model trains - both steam and diesel and electric. They're pretty cool and overtime they will increase in value (I hope). He has over 65 locomotives and over 250 bits of rolling stock.
by Vee
Oh gosh. Sorry, I don't know why there are two.
by Vee
I collect owl-themed items. I have owl pouches, owl earrings, owl rings, owl necklaces, owl notebooks, owl bags, owl anything and everything I can get my hands on that's cute and pretty.
I used to collect porcelin dolls when I was little.
by Vee
I used to collect porcelin dolls when I was little.
by Vee
I used to collect porcelin dolls when I was little.
by Vee
Sorry, I don't know what happened, and I didn't realise I had already answered this question. :|
by Vee
When I was younger I used to collect stamps. These days I sort of collect little hand-painted Russian brooches, but I don't go out of my way to acquire them. I just buy one if I see one I really love!
For the pure joy of it, I love to collect clothing, crystals and books :)
I collect far too many things according to my wife, she says I am a hoarder.
I enjoy the things I have collected and have sold some items that have become sought after.
I don't smoke and only a casual drinker so I think why not spend on my interests.
I do not go overboard and my wife can have whatever she likes (within reason).
I started collected stamps since I was 11. My father owned an art shop in the city, so he get all things he sold in the shop from O/S, so there were a LOT of stamps on those parcels! I also collect pictures of: The Eiffel Tower, Statue of l;liberty, Sydney Opera House & harbour bridge, tulips, & flamingos. Also, 2nd hand (not vintage ones!) handbags, pink patterned winter PJ's, rings, necklaces, & of cause my collection of about 28 Swatch watches. I've never owned a car, don't drive, only drink a small G''nT a night, never smoked, so I think it's OK 4 me to collect these things. A VERY long time ago, I wished I'd collected snow domes, but I didn't have anywhere to put them, so I didn't ever start to collect them. A friend collects miniature teapots, so I buy her these as I find them, & give them to her for Christmas & her birthdays! My husband likes collecting small picture frames. He always says he won't buy anymore, but he still does, if he fines interesting ones in an op-shop! Yes, he's been putting family photos into them, & has them arranged very nicely too. My father got me started with my stamps collection! He owned a shop in the city where he sold reproductions of prints, postcards, children's books, I don't know why I bought my very1st Swatch watch, back in the early 90's, but I just had to keep on buying them. I found a Swatch Shop in a DFO shopping centre, so I've been able to get them as little cheaper from there. 5 have come from NYC, 1 from Miami, 1 from an airport I was rushing through in Japan, & I think all the others were from Sydney & Melbourne. When I wore slacks, I liked the pattered watches, but now I only ever wear patterned dresses, I like the plain coloured ones, Enough said here, by me! Sorry for ranting on, & on!!!.
by Miro
I collected stamps when I was small.
Swarovski Crystal and other unique beautiful pieces. I know antiques are "out" right now, but I don't care. I love looking at beautiful things.
Hi Polly, How old is the 1 in your photo?
by Miro
by Polly
I like to collect elephants, I have a beautiful lamp shade with an elephant.
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