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What do you call your vulva?

by Jennifer Muirhead (follow)
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prehistorical pictures of vulvas
A prehistoric depiction of vulvae. From Wikimedia commons.

These days the vulva is often referred to as the vagina, which is incorrect and confusing since the vagina is the birth canal and the vulva refers to the external female genitalia. Do you call your vulva a vulva, or a vagina, or do you have some other nickname for it like "lady parts" or "vajayjay"?

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I don't particularly call it anything. I've never had an occasion when it would need mentioning.
Just that, vulva, I guess -never thought about it before!
by Finy
I say vagina.
Incorrect maybe.

I say vagina too. Didn't know it was technically called the vulva.
Vagina. I have never been in a situation where I've had to be specific.
by Vee
Never thought about it.
What a rather interesting yet embarrassing question to answer! :P

I call mine Delilah. Is that weird?
I say vagina or vulva when I remember. It's sometimes an important distinction, like in a medical context or when pregnant/giving birth.
I don't call it anything. I have very little to say about it or to it. I never consult it.
Vulva. Although, I can't say I've ever used it in conversation. Conversely, I have heard myself refer to it's next door neighbour as "the old virginia". . . . possibly in jest with my nearest and dearest. LOL
by Rice
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