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What do you call men who romantically pursue married women?

by dwatk (follow)
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Photo: Wikimedia Commons.

There are many names that have been given to women who pursue and knowingly enter into relationships with married men. So what do you call the men that pursue married women?

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Love that picture!
I have been laughing since I read this post/question at the picture. I don't know what it is but maybe the macho image and the cheap necklace or what looks to me like an all-in-one that he is wearing but there is something wrong about the look. Yeah, maybe the necklace, No, maybe the maniacal look in the eyes.
Maybe the singlet straps are too thin - maybe it's a ladies singlet.
This is very, very funny to me
I agree! Not a good look. If this sort of guy approached me I would run a mile! And if you scroll down so that only his hips and legs are showing, it looks like a female!
by poppy
by Gia
Keeping it polite .... Jerks!
Self-important whores.
by Vee
Self centred.
by Lucy
Scared of commitment or serious relationships. They just want all the fun but no responsibility.
I call them "men with very poor boundaries".

This also applies to men who peruse women who have clearly rejected their advances.
Oh no, I call the latter desperate. Not to blow my own horn, but to demonstrate this guy's desperation: I was out one night with my then boyfriend. I was dancing with friends while he was off talking to his. A guy approached me and asked me to dance with him. I told him no because I was in a committed relationship. Ok, he walked off. Ten minutes later he was back. I again turned him down. Third time unlucky he said, "Ok, but know you had your chance". "Oh no! How could I have let him get away?! Oh the regret! Oh the missed opportunity!" Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!
by Vee
I can feel the regret is thick in your soul LOL

Don't you love how you can't just say "no thanks"? You have to qualify it with "I'm in a committed relationship" coz no doesn't really mean no or something….
by meggf
Usually bludgers
Judging by the necklace he is wearing, he hasn't picked up anyone with any money yet
Love love love your answer he definately looks a guy with no taste from a 76yr old and I can still pick those sleazy looking ones go girl
by fazee
But don't you just love his shorts?! NOT!! WTF is he thinking?
by Vee
Dunno Vee - the necklace and the thin singlet straps have me mesmerised.
And......who took the photograph and advised him on clothing for the shoot.
I am still laughing.
by fran.
All I know is that I never want to meet either of them. Ever! LOL.
by Vee
Are those Nancy Gantz Pantz ?
Lucky Devil
by fran.
low-life creeps with no morals or integrity
by kimp
Cads! to the nth degree!
Rotten scoundrels.
Douche Bags
In a word - as*holes!
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