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What do like to drink while you write?

by lizzi (follow)
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Cup of tea
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Do you like to have something to drink while you are writing? What do you like to have? Tea, coffee, wine...

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The other day I managed to chug through 6 cups of coffee while writing...Which is a lot - even for me! I love coffee and seem to always need one on my desk when I'm writing. If it's after dinner I will have a cup of herbal tea or even regular tea or a glass of wine...although I'd much prefer a bundy!
I drink tea or coffee normally. I wish I could say I drank champagne but that would be a complete lie.
I LOVE your cup!! I want one!!!
by lizzi
Usually just water, I'm not a big tea or coffee drinker.
Earl Grey tea always does it for me!
Tea, either black or green.
My first husband taught me, many years ago, not to drink while at the computer.

I still rarely do this and usually when I do, it is not a hot drink but water.

Though on saying that, every morning when I wake I turn on computer, go make a cup of tea and bring it back to the computer -so that negates my earlier reply!
by Finy
I drink Jarrah brand Vienna Velvet coffee or else water.
Tea, beautiful tea, marvellous tea.
by Rice
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