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What did you think of Marilyn Monroe?

by Finy (follow)
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What did you think of Marilyn Monroe?

Do you admire her?

#Film star
#Marilyn Monroe
#Movie star
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I will never forget when she died I was a young girl of I think maybe 8 or 9.

My Mother had taken me to the movies (in England)....All of a sudden everyone was talking about that fact she had died.!

I was intermission, which is a time to get a drink or go to the toilet...anyway I had no idea who she was?...but! it was so upsetting people, I never forgot the name of the person who had just died.

As I got older I saw her movies, and she was a very gentle lady.
I saw a lot of info on her a while back on the internet, with people who knew her.

She was to me a lost soul...totally misunderstood, and just had some extra quality that made people want to be around her.

Years ahead of her time with some of the photo's take, you would think it was even now.

I think she was a darling, to be quite honest and I feel she did Not take her own life, to be honest.

If we all knew the real story we would not believe it.
Marilyn had a softness, that men loved and she needed love too.

Oh! Jonah, you're right!

She did NOT suicide! She 'knew' too much information, from her being 'very friendly' with many males in high office, in the American political scene, at the time.
She wasn't the 'sharpest tool in the shed', & was thought by those various men to be a possible 'danger' to them, & the USA, so she paid a price beyond the norm!
'Loose lips', & all that..............
by donjo
She was a very insecure lady...but I still think she was a sweetheart :)

by jonaja
Nothing at all!

I think she was just a 'tr@!!@?'.
Couldn't stand her!

She couldn't act, she was none too bright, but still managed to 'enthrall' men, to their 'basic instinct'.

She was what is called nowadays a 'dive', whilst on the movie set, & a right P i A, to boot, apparently.

I held her in scorn, for what she was, & the pillow talk' information she gleaned from various 'high ranking' USA persons' cost her her life.

She couldn't be trusted, & had quite a large number of 'mental' issues.

by Lluxi
Oh! Thanks Lluxi.....I typed that very early this morning, & I'm in the process of 'moving', so the brain's exhausted at mo! Cheers to you!
by donjo
Oh! Thanks Lluxi.....I typed that very early this morning, & I'm in the process of 'moving', so the brain's exhausted at mo! Cheers to you!
by donjo
No probs Donjo. Good luck with the move.
by Lluxi
I wasn't particularly impressed with Marilyn Monroe.
I didn't think she seemed to have talent like a lot of the other stars - she just had "the body", and I don't even think she was that pretty,'

I actually don't know what all the fuss about her was for!
by Finy
I really don't know enough about her to comment. I haven't seen her in any movies. I did watch a documentary about her death. There will always be conspiracy theorists. It mentioned that she was a bit of a diva to work with. She was like the boy bands of today, and was completely manufactured to look, talk and act like they wanted. She was incredibly beautiful, but there was something missing in her soul. She was very lonely and insecure, which led her to do what she did. Shame because she was so young with her life ahead of her.
I think she was attractive. Can't comment much on her work as I haven't seen any of it. But certainly not a fan of the "sex toy" image she promoted - particularly in Playboy.
by Vee
I was not particularly impressed with her life on or off screen. She was a sex symbol in the same way as Anna Nicole Smith. Its sad though for her to live such a short life and die in such a way.
Nothing. "Fluff" probably sums it up for me. I know she used to infuriate very accomplished award winning actors with her tardiness and line flubbing. She was renowned for costing producers a fortune in retakes of shots. Out of her depth, I would think.
by Rice
Yeah, Rice, I concur!
I don't think 'the lift went to the top floor' with her.

I remember she annoyed Sir Laurence Olivier to the nth degree, whilst filming 'The Prince & the Showgirl'.

Her stupidity cost her her life.
by donjo
From what I've read about over the years, I believe her to be a very insecure woman who enjoyed playing with important men. And yes, I also believe she didn't take her own life but became an embarrassment to high ranking people.
Yes, she was a bit of a bimbo, but I still went & saw an exhibition of her costumes & bits of film, from a few of her movies, at the Ballarat Art Gallery a few months ago, & I happen to have 2 photos of her, stick into the sides of my mirror, on top of my chest of drawers. (There only postcards)
by Miro
I thought, and still think she was desperately sad.
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