Too long ago! Can't remember.
But I can remember my 13th, as my parents' had just re-landscaped the front lawn, & we now had a 6' brick wall, which, in its' curve was a beautiful big, set-in BBQ!
Nearly all the girls' from my class came to my Birthday Party! (All girls' school). Of course, we had fab BBQ'd food, by Dad, who was a whiz at it! And Dessert was little Ice Creams done in the shapes of PONIES! Quite a few of us were 'horse mad' at that age! Lol!
I got to speak, out of the blue, to one of those attendee's a couple of years' ago, & she said she can still remember my Party, as it was THE best she'd ever been to! At the time, it was 47 years' previous! Wow!
Apart from the Party, the biggest thrill was getting a Chubby Checker Twist LP!