What colour are your eyes?
What colour are your eyes? Do you have the same coloured eyes as your parents? Do you have the same coloured eyes as your children?
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This colour (see pic).
I am the only one in my family going back...with this colour.
Every one else has brown or dark brown.
Mine are blue, and my kids' are too.
My eyes are the same colour of Elizabeth Taylor's - dark blue. My grand-mother on my mother's side was Irish. I inherited her colour and I have the big round shape of my Italian father's eyes!
You are lucky to have the same colour eyes as Elizabeth Taylor, whose eye colour was legendary. I have never seen or understood that famous colour. It must be so fascinating for everyone you meet. Likely, I would stare, not meaning to be rude, but just to enjoy that unusual & famous colour. Don't worry, I'm very straight!
I thought Liz's eye colour was violet?
Elizabeth Taylor's eyes were well known to be an unusual violet colour
I have weird eyes that people never seem to be able to describe: greeny-greyish-blue. I have a very distinct dark line around my irises that my daughters have inherited. The older one has greyish-blue eyes, but the younger has these piercing blue eyes, with a black line around the iris, and almost a starburst of white around the pupil. Complete strangers stop us sometimes to comment on her eyes!
Brown. My dad has brown, my mum has blue. My eldest daughter has brown eyes and my youngest has blue, just like her dad.
It is unusual your son inherited blue eyes. Usually when one parent has brown, that is the dominant gene, so takes over.
My parents both have brown eyes, but my oldest sister has blue eyes. It's because both of my parents have the blue eyed gene, so my sister inherited both of their blue eyes genes while me and my other sister both got brown eyes.
That's what inspired me to ask this question. :)
My husband's are green and mine are blue and the kids' inherited the blue. I seem to recall that when that happens it means he has the genes for blue eyes on his side too (one of his parents having blue eyes).
I have brown eyes, as do my parents, sisters and son.
I have hazel eyes, which are the same as my mum's. My dad has blue eyes.
Dark brown, almost black. My mother has a lighter colour.
Annep, you have written my answer word for word!
Mine are dark brown. My mums are the same colour and dad's are blue. My husband has blue eyes too and two of my kids have inherited blue eye.
Brown. My entire family has eyes of different shades of brown.
I have dark chocolate brown eyes, as my friends describe them :)
I've got dark brown eyes. My mother has the same eye colour while my Dad's were bright blue.
Jet black. My parents, my sister, everyone on my family side have black or dark brown. My husband's is a shade between brown and green and grey, it changes, wonder how!
I have grey/blue eyes same as my mum. My dad had brown eyes. I have two sons, one with brown eyes, same as his dad and one with blue eyes. My brown eyed son now has a daughter with brown eyes.
HAZEL. Mother had Brown eyes, Father has Dark Brown eyes. Maternal grandfather had Blue eyes, therefore my eyes are Hazel.
I think it is black.Hang on, maybe it is brown..No i got it, its actually black brown.
While i type this, a friend next to me says , " you are colour blind so how does it even matter "
my reaction : Grrrr
Green - like Harry Potter!
Mine are bluish grey.. it depends. Sometimes they look really blue and sometimes they look grey. My eldest son has the same colour as me but my youngest has brown eyes from his dad.
My eyes are brown. My mother's eyes are Hazel and my father's were blue. My children's eyes are brown but they are both adopted so that's a fluke!! The eye is the most remarkable thing...
Dark brown. In the light they can look slightly green, which I like!
My eyes are hazel green. But they sometimes look blueish if I wear something blue, or more green if I wear green. My children both have bright blue eyes like my husband.
Hazel. Can't remember what Parents' were!
My children are Cornflower ('Peter OToole') Blue, daughter, & son, is Brown.
Daughter inherited her paternal Grandfather's colour, & son, his Father's.
I didn't get a 'look-in' anywhere! Maybe my Grand-daughter will have my Colour! Time'll tell!
Mine are hazel, same as my son.
My eyes are blue. Mom has blue eyes and Dad's
eyes were brown.
I would say I have hazel eyes, my dad had hazel eyes, my mum and brothers have dark brown almond colour.
I did have brown eyes, now that I am a senior they have changed to green. my father had hazel eyes mother green I have never worn sunglasses only need glasses now for reading. long sight is perfect
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