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What cafe decor do you like most?

by Antoinette Tan (follow)
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Some cafés exude rustic tranquility, some channel a clean and classy ambience, while others evoke a kooky, quirky charm. What sort of cafe decor do you enjoy the most and why?

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I love comfort, which seems to be going out the door.
It's now about 'looks'.
So most of the time one sits on stainless steel cold-planked seats.
I refuse to now go, unless it looks like I would want to sit down.

The rest, I don't care really.
Starbucks chairs! No no.
I like the one with bricks, some cute decor, some sayings here and there and the traditional blackboard.
Oh yes the blackboard. Love it when they scribble a quote or two on it.
I love the ones which have original artwork as part of the decor. Nice gardens are really cool also, and if they have both I am in cafe heaven. Try not to be greedy though either one will put a smile on my face. I am pretty sure although it is not a scientific fact that the coffee tastes better in these types of cafes!
I agree! :)
I like cafes that have enough room to move and aren't too squashy. There's nothing worse than bumping into things and people!

Also cafes that are too loud suck!
I find that cafes with a lot of glass usually trap and reverberate all the sounds - loud conversations on top of the clicking of cutlery.
I like cafés that have something interesting to look at, have room to move, have something to read while you wait for your food, and aren't too noisy
Love quirky. Just enjoy being out & about, really.

My pet hates are noisy cafes, where the noise just cannot escape, & you're shouting across the table! Also 'open kitchen plan' cafes are annoying with bashing crockery, cutlery, & orders being shouted etc.
Squishy seating where everybody can hear next table's occupants conversation! Yuk!
Also uncomfortable seating. Hard timber or plastic, which produces 'NBS' for me! And chair with side arms, that makes ones hips/thighs squashed!
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ID: 16398
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