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What are your thoughts on planned obsolescence?

by Vee (follow)
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Image by DodgertonSkillhause, morguefile.com

According to commentator Rosie Spinks, "We're all losers to a gadget industry built on planned obsolescence".

In crude terms, planned obsolescence refers to products that are designed to fail. Why? So consumers have to update their technologies and buy more. More purchases equal more profit.

What do you think about planned obsolescence?

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Top Answers
I can't tell you. It's unprintable. Wonder what we'll do when everything fails . . . . ? Personally, I think I would be happy. I'm not a Luddite but I wonder how the young 'uns would survive if everything broke down and couldn't be repaired.
by Rice
I hate the idea that my favorite gadgets are gonna one day suddenly stop working all because manufacturers want me to buy new ones just because.
Its upsetting just thinking about it.
- Wasteful
- Unsustainable
- Greedy
by Vee
by jonaja
I think that this has been going on for a while now. Technologies do change so quickly now, so in order to keep pace, if things do fail, the consumer will have to buy the latest and greatest to keep up. I don't mind in some ways because if something can be done quicker, better, more efficiently, by something lighter, easier and more environmentally friendly, that has to be good. The only thing is that we have no say in it. It is done whether we like it or not. There will always be those who hate change like a lot of many older people I have met. It is costly to keep buying new things, but if they are better things than the previous version, then I don't mind. Take mobile phones for example. I would much rather the never phones we have than one of the old bricks I have seen in TV shows !! Phones are lighter, smaller and can do more things. Surely that's more desirable. It is to me.
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