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What are your favourite non-carbonated drinks?

by Natasha Stewart (follow)
Health (523)      Medication (3)      Food and Drink (1)     
I recently went on some medication that has a particularly strange side-effect: I can no longer experience the effects of carbonation. When you drink a fizzy drink a reaction actually takes place in your mouth, this affects both the sensation and the taste of the drink.

fizzy drinks, carbonic anhydrase inhibitor, intercranial hypertension, soft drinks, cordials, juice, non alcoholic drinks

It's not just fizzy drinks, but other drinks like champagne, beer, and cider.

I don't drink much coke or lemonade, but I love mixing soda water with fruit juice or enjoying an apple cider with the family. Now I find most of my drink choices are pretty limited, in fact it's often water, water or water. So what sorts of non-carbonated drinks do you enjoy?

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A few things I have found (I don't like most cordials)

I like elderflower cordial. I've never made my own, but I do get the store bought stuff. Sometimes I mix it with a little bit of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

I'd love to be able to make my own ice teas. Maybe I'll have to experiment with some recipes.
Big juice fan here, any type will do, cloudy apple a firm favourite. Mixed berry smoothies are pretty yummy too.
One of my favourites is Lipton's Green Tea. It's not too sweet and very refreshing.
I really enjoy blended frappes like Mocha Frappe, etc. with whipped cream. Yumm..
Juices such as Cranberry Juice, and also fruit frappes.
Pineapple juice. Yummo.
by Vee
Soda water, with a splash of cordial.
Unfortunately soda water is carbonated. I used to love using it as a mixer, but now it tastes terrible. :(
Oh no, that's my bad, sorry :( I misread the question. Awkward...
I recently discovered Lucozade Sport. It's not carbonated and it doesn't taste like other sports drinks such as Gatorade. It my new favourite. It's a touch too sweet, so I dilute it a little.
Pineapple Juice, 'Brekky' Juice, Raspberry Cordial, Pine & Coconut Juice, Tomato Juice, Feshly-squeezed OJ, ALL of which must be really cold!
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