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What are your favourite ingredients in a salad?

by Happy Mom (follow)
Salads are healthy, refreshing, light on your digestive system, and delicious. Salads can pretty much be made using any vegetables, fruits, cuts of meat, nuts, dressings, cheese, or pastas.

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What are your favourite ingredients in a salad?
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I make a salad with fresh grated beetroot and fresh grated carrot. Then I use coriander and a Vietnamese style dressing.

I'm not usually a fan of simple lettuce & tomato salads, but I like using baby spinach and things like sweet potato, figs, or adding other fruits to regular savoury salads.
That sounds delicious!
Great question. I love adding cheese to salad so for an Italian salad I might shave parmesan into it, or I might add buffalo mozzarella to it. For a greek salad it's got to be fetta. Basically, I'm naughty at turning a healthy every day salad into a cheese fest! If you add in a bundle of avocado, I'm basically in heaven.
My favourites are sun-dried tomatoes and feta cheese. Cherry tomatoes are also delicious and look attractive, if you're entertaining, and I'm also a bit partial to red and yellow capsicums in salads. When I make salads I like to make them look bright and visually appealing too, so I always try to add some yummy leafy greens. I agree with Briony that plain old boring lettuce (in Australia we call it iceburg lettuce) is a bit yuk, so I generally go for the pretty frilly varieties or use home-made sprouts or coriander. I also love home-made potato salad...it's so fast to make, delicious and very cheap....just potatoes, sour cream and fresh, home-grown mint.
I can tell you what my least favourite is - lettuce. Kind of a bummer since that is a majority of what salad is made up of. I can't stand lettuce, so when I make my own salad, my favourite substitute is salad leaves.

I like fruit salad more than anything else, but I don't particularly like fruit combined with a leaf salad. My favourite ingredient for a fruit salad is fresh pineapple. For a leafy salad, however, my favourite ingredients are sundried tomatoes and green olives.
Sorry, I meant to say my favourite substitute is 'spinach leaves'.
My favourite is definitely avocado, egg and corn but I enjoy all salads.
by WSW
Coriander, basil, beans and chickpeas usually make solid additions to a lot of salads.
Cheese, tomatoes - cherry and sun-dried, as well as herbs.
Fresh herbs make salads sing!

Add some fresh mint and coriander to a beetroot and feta salad, the difference is amazing.
I love haloumi. Quinoa can also be nice in a green salad with some balsamic vinegar.
Herbs and fresh fruits. E.g. coriander, basil, apple, mandarin oranges
!: The marshmallow salad: Diced marshmallows, sour cream, a small tin of (drained) pineapple pieces & a tin of (drained) mandarins. I'm sure it had 5 ingredients, but I've forgotten what the 5th thing was. This is a recipe from the '60's. You can serve it with meat & salads or as a dessert.
I also make a beetroot, sour cream & chopped mint salad, which everyone seems to enjoy as well.
by Miro
Hi Miro. The missing ingredient is orange jelly. I used to make this sweet so often. It was always a family favourite and crowd pleaser. I love lots of avocado in my salads. Another family favourite is mango and avocado salad and my husband's German potato salad which our girls ask him to make every time they need to take a plate to a BBQ or he makes when he goes away with his golfing mates.
by helga
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