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What are your favorite fashion accessories?

by Pauline (follow)
Fashion (139)      Accessories (15)     

Fashion accessories

Sparkly bracelet, dainty earrings, pearly necklace, handbags, shoes and so on, do you have any favorite fashion accessory?

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Earrings - there are so many kinds, and they are easy to change up to express yourself with.
I love hats; big, little, wooly, caps. However, they're not that useful for accessorising an outfit when you get inside.

I don't have my ears pierced, and I find bracelets annoying because I work on a computer, so I would go for a statement necklace every time.
I love earrings in all shades and colors
I used to wear a fair amount of jewellery, but not anymore. I like rings, but they are always loose on my fingers, and I don't want to risk them slipping off. With bracelets, I find it a bit pointless because I always wear long sleeves, so no one can see them. The same is the true of necklaces, because I'm usually wearing a cardigan over it.
Since becoming a mum I've given up wearing anything my kids can break. That doesn't mean I can't wear jewellery, but I stick mostly to things like polished gemstones on a silk cord, or bead necklaces and bangles that are specifically designed to be fiddled with by breastfeeding babies. Some of them are made of silicone so kids don't chip their teeth if they bite them. It's a bit limiting though. I do like to have a necklace to fiddle with through the day.

I used to have pierced ears but I prefer dangly earrings and that's just asking to have them pulled on by little people, so when the holes closed over a while back I didn't re-pierce them. I'm sure I will one day.

Scarves are nice too, thought there's not a lot of call to wear them in Brisbane.
I love Pearls, so I have many different types of necklaces.

Some are white...some pink... some cream etc.
They are all fresh water pearls.

Rings, earrings and hair clips.
My absolute favourites are necklaces. A beautiful necklace can make any attire look stunning. Sometimes long hair can hide beautiful earrings. Also heavy earrings can lead to aching earlobes later. Necklaces are therefore more preferable.
Earrings and anklets. Though I don't wear them as often as I'd like.
by Vee
I love statement necklaces that are very big, loud and which help to set your look apart. Earrings too, in all colours, shapes and sizes.
Rings. Bracelets. Pendants. Handbags. Scarves.
Love them all & wear as many as possible, constantly. Makes one feel & look good.

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