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What are you thankful for this year?

by Jennifer Muirhead (follow)
I am learning all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma ~ Eartha Kitt.
Life (383)      Happiness (22)      New Year (11)      Gratitude (1)      Blessings (1)     

Thank you message in the grotto of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church. Photo by Infrogmation, shared under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

As the year draws to a close some of us like to pause and reflect on our lives. What in your own life do you feel grateful for?

#New Year
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Everything! However, I feel especially grateful for my family...my husband, Tony, and young adult daughter, Kalindi. At the moment I'm travelling alone around the UK and Europe for four months, and unlike some men who are very clingy and jealous of their wife's independence, Tony is a constant source of friendship and encouragement. We write every day, and if anything, our time apart while I'm 'on the road' is making us even closer.
So many things! My family, my friends, my health, living in a country where I have a great standard of living and don't have my human rights trampled on daily, the new hub A Comfy Chair taking off, finally having the opportunity to own my own home, good books to read, this cup of tea I am drinking (the first cup of the day is always the best cup ever).
I love what you said ''this cup of tea I am drinking''.
So simple.......... but yet a Thanks is given.........nice :)
by jonaja
Am so grateful for all the great things that have happened. Refinancing my home loans. Being promoted in my work/business. It is a pity that I am no longer a freelance writer in the media; however I am grateful for my additional responsibilities and people interaction that has come with my new work. Getting my four books published, and although slow - copies are selling. My wonderful family and friends. Excellent health. For living in Sydney. For falling in love again, and how far that has progressed in a short period of time :)
For all of God's many Blessings that have been given to me this last year...even during great times of trouble.
That He has been with me through each and every day.
I'm grateful for the ability to read and write, a privilege denied to millions all over the world, even in so-called civilised countries. Hence I have been able to read in today's newspaper an article about "teaching children to count their blessings as a life lesson well worth the effort". Psychologists say materialism and gratitude are direct opposites.
Yes, that's a big one that so many of us take for granted.
Many things, however, probably the most thankful thing is that I am alive!
So many people die young, so that would have to be my most thankful thing.
by Finy
My continuing good health: without it, I've got nothing.
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