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What are you doing to support the honeybee population?

by grann (follow)
Environment (72)      Honey bees (1)      Pollination (1)     

Two hives

The honey bee population is in steep decline. We rely on it to pollinate our crops. What can an individual do?

#Honey bees
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I've been thinking of planting some Borage, which is supposed to attract them. Nasturtiums would be nice too.
I have plants in my garden they like.
Having said that it is far more a complex problem...We can't allow it to continue.
Our existence rely's on these little one's.I'm still reading, and learning to see what I can do, with the garden I have.Also telling other people, and 'how' important a problem it is!
Love the pic and slogan, Jonaj. The same could apply to flying foxes.
by grann
Oh really wow :)
by jonaja
I have plants in my garden that bees like. Also, I support local organic honey bee farmers by buying their honey, which helps them to encourage the bee population.

We have 4 native bee hives on our suburban block - they are stingless and we love giving them a home when developers keep cutting down their natural habitat.
by Lucy
I plant easy to grow bee attracting plants such as nasturtiums. The bees love them and I love them in my salads so we both win!
If you are really enthusiastic, you could start a bee colony in your garden, otherwise the best thing you can do is to grow loads of plants bees like to pollinate.
We plant lots of plants with bee attracting flowers, and so we get lots of bees. Although I am sometimes scared of them and their terrible stings!
I've thought of getting some of these. Our block is too small for regular bees.The plight of bees is very worrying. I have seen ONE bee this year. and I do grow nasturtiums and other bee friendly flowers.
by lynne
This would be a great question for Animalpedia too :)
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