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What are you doing on Mother's Day?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: Stuart Miles www.freedigitalphotos.net

For all Mothers, Mother's Day in Australia is this Sunday, 11th May.

Will you be taken out, or what will you do on this day?

#Mothers Day
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I will be going with my daughter in law and her family to the Casino in Perth for dinner.
I think it is a restaurant that I have never been to -tried to get into my favourite buffet but of course, it was booked out.

During the day I will not be doing anything as my son and his family live in Darwin, and I live in Perth.

I am very lucky to have such a wonderful daughter in law living near me.
by Finy
I will spend the day with my husband and children. The kids usually make me a home made gift and we might go on a nature walk or take a picnic if the weather permits. All frugal ideas, of course! I will cook us all a lovely roast for dinner.
Mother's Day has already been and gone in the UK. Unfortunately my husband was away with work. However, he had secretly hidden some flowers and chocolate before he left. I then received e-mail photo clues featuring my kids to find my gifts. I then had a lovely day out with both my boys and we had some great weather to top it off. What are your plans?
That sounds gorgeous -how thoughtful! But how did he hide flowers?
by Finy
I have one invite to B/Fast at a restaurant.

Then off to my sons for lunch at the park.

I think they are all thinking ''better make it nice we don't know how long the old duck has''?*#! ...lol...lol...lol
Jonaj-that is so funny!!!!
by Finy
lol...lol...well that's how they are...silly boys!
by jonaja
We're going for a nice lunch with the extended family. My kids have also taken money to school for a Mother's Day gift stall, so who knows what I'll end up with!

I've just found this question on Dec 30/12/16. Can you still remember what you ended up with from the schools Mother's Day stall, Diane???
by Miro
Ops, sorry, Sarah Bell. I didn't mean to call you Diane!
by Miro
I will go out for lunch with my son and husband.
I will go out for lunch with my son and husband.
I am hearing little whispers about breakfast in bed, roses, gifts and a dinner out! I will have to wait and see. There are plenty of activities planed at church too. I would have loved to do something special with my mum but she lives far away. I have sent her flowers and a gift, those will be delivered on mother's day.
My mom has requested that I cook a big Thai meal for her and the family so that's what we'll be doing together :)
I prepared a surprise breakfast banquet with fresh fruit, bread, pastries, eggs, juice and tea! I had mom's gifts and cards wrapped and displayed on the table with a bouquet of fresh flowers. It was a great start to the day and really put a smile on her face.
that sounds gorgeous!
by Finy
Whatever my wife wants!
by kimp
by asha
Mothers day in Kuwait is March 21st. its over. i Just said Mothers day prayer for my mom. as i very far from my family. i wish my mom.
by asha
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