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What are the things you can't live without during pregnancy?

by annep (follow)
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Photo: patrisyu - Freedigitalphotos.net

There are things many women feel they can't live without during pregnancy. Whether it's something to help them sleep through the night or a way to survive the morning sickness, these little things can make life much easier and more comfortable for moms-to-be.

What are the things most important for you during your pregnancy? What are your advices for first-time moms?

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I went to a homeopath and had a special anti-morning sickness concoction made up for me. I couldn't have done without it. Plenty of chocolate too, which until I discovered the homeopathics was the only thing I could keep down.
A big soft body pillow, esp during your later months. Some belly support would help, too. For morning sickness, though the length and severity are not the same for all women, I find some dried berries or a biscuit at the bed side table in the morning very helpful.
With my last son, I had to give the hospital the (egg-carton shaped foam).
They un-made my bed, put the foam on, and then made the bed.
Then I was fine.
The hospital beds are too hard, so this made it work better all round.

I also used it for the whole nine months at home.
My body pillow!
by Vee
I couldn't get through the day without a vanilla malted milk and vegemite on toast for breakfast - stopped the morning sickness!
With my second bub I had awful varicose veins on the back of my legs so I found most chairs terribly painful to sit on. At home I either sat on one comfy chair that was nice and low so I could sit up straight (to do with my own body proportions) with my pelvis slightly higher than my knees for optimal foetal positioning, or on a fit ball or the floor. It nearly came to blows at one point when a visitor kept sitting on my special chair.

Plenty of nice pregnancy safe herbal tea was good too since I found I couldn't drink black tea and missed the ritual of making it.

Also I second the usefulness of body pillows for sleeping.

Also fresh pineapple helped heaps with heartburn.
My husband. He helps me get up; go to the bathroom, cook etc especially in the later stages
by Gia
Lots of food
by Finy
What part of USA are you in/from annep?

I very much enjoyed being pregnant, BUT I'd had NO morning sickness, in either, so that puts a different slant on it!

My cravings? Hhhhmmmm, interesting to say the least, to me, anyway!

First bub, Roast Chicken, freshly made Apple Pie, & Stone Fruit. It's a Boy! Yay! 9lbs!

Second bub, Custard Apples, Ginger Ale, Stone Fruit. It's a Girl! Aaawww! 8lbs!

Both were born in Winter.

BUT the best help was the wedge-shaped pillow for support in the latter stages'.
It made being able to have comfortable sleep, a reality.

Pills to stave off morning sickness. I wasn't too bad with the first one, craving fish, soda water and strawberries. The second one I had morning sickness so bad I was hospitalised for some time then sent home where I rarely left my bed. Mum used to travel down from the Central Coast and stay for a couple of weeks to give my husband a break. I had sao biscuits and a thermos of weak tea beside my bed as any food smells would set me off so food was cooked with the bedroom door closed. Curry was my favourite meal when I could get it. The third pregnancy I had mild morning sickness but can't recall any cravings.
I didn't need much when I was pregnant, it was when I came home that I was pretty rattled.
I had to have drumstick icecreams all the time, and hot chips.
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