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What are the qualities that make a good friend?

by megha (follow)
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What are the qualities that make a good friend?

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Honesty and loyalty are very important qualities in a good friend.
A friend that allows me to be myself.
Similar values.
Unlike family we can choose our friends so if these important qualities to look out for.
A friend that appreciates the friendship and does not take it fro granted.
by Zen
Not a 'dibbie-dobber''
Share's Lollies.(that's a huge MUST)!
Share's Toys (another Huge one)!
No telling Lies.
No whispering behind my back.
No making another kid their BEST friend.
No Stealing my stuff.(food as well)..we will always share o.k.
No laughing at me when I fall down (same go's for you).
Willing to try new games I made up, or you make up.
NO ONE is the Boss! o.k.
Oh! and ya have to keeeeeep a secret, NO telling even ya Mum.
These rules are Life Long!! so even when grown up.

And esp about the Lollies, you still must share.
by jonaja
My friendships have survived really long distances between us as after we got married, we all moved to different places in the world, yet our friendships have survived. The key was that we all made a conscious effort to stay in touch. So "loyalty" is a big one. I often find that my friendships are so deep that even if we don't meet for long gaps, whenever we do meet, we can pick up right where we left off. There are no hesitations, no awkward moments. I love my friends.
Loyalty is a big one for me, as is having similar morals and interests.
Compassion, loyalty, honesty, being there for you no matter what, validating your concerns but also being firm and assertive on what the next step to confronting an issue might be, without being blunt.
Loyalty, compassion, honesty, willingness to make an effort and willingness to be a good listener.
For me, friendship just happens irrespective of any qualities and any efforts if its meant to be.
Unconditional love and acceptance.
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