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What are the most attractive physical features of a man?

by annep (follow)
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Photo: Rico Heil - Wikimedia Commons

Ask a woman about her ideal image of the man she would like to marry and you will receive answers such as: caring, trustworthy, sensitive.

But before you can appreciate those traits in a man, you're already attracted to their appearance. Sometimes, all it needs is a look across the room for romance to begin.

So, let us be honest with each other here. What physical features do you find most attractive in a man?

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His smile. I think this is definitely one of the better features!
I would say his eyes. They speak better than words and sometimes you feel those eyes are so deep you can get lost their forever.
I love men with big muscle legs.
Big shoulders.
Big arms.............but! not too big, like some of them just look crazy.

When it comes to attraction, i think that it can unfortunately be off putting if a man is shorter than you..for me personally anyway.
Legs. I love a guys legs. Especially if they are a cyclist. I think cyclists have the best legs of all!
You should look at swimmers. Since they use their whole body when swimming, I'm sure they should be in good shape. Plus professional swimmers shave their body hair since this makes them move faster in water.
by annep
Also Equestrians' use all, as well. And I don't mean horse-race jockeys!
by donjo
Definitely a mans eyes and chest :)
It's in his smile and how his face looks altogether. It certainly doesn't hurt to have a good physique too :)
Since we are being honest, I like big arms and muscly thighs on a man. However, character is key and always outshines physique, so if a man has ‘the body’, but lacks integrity and humility, it really is for nought.
by Vee
Height. Minimum 6' tall, for me!
I come from tall Irish & English/American stock, so was always surrounded by tall males, in my family. Can't abide short men, in any way whatsoever.
After that, facial physiogamy, then eyes.

Your above fourth line literally happened to me!
Not sure -don't like skinny, don't like too tall-always looks silly dancing and probably a bit awkward for a few other things too, don't like too short, don't like too hairy, don't like blonde.

I like men who are muscular in the arms and chest, with dark hair and a nice smile.
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