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What are the best ways to kill time?

by Pauline (follow)
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Hours in a day, clock,
Source: IKEA

Some of us may not even have enough time to spare in a day let alone kill time but there are certain hours everyday which are considered 'dead' especially if it involves long hours of commuting via public transport. How do you kill your time effectively or what's the best way to spend the 'dead' time?

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When commuting: reading books, chatting on the phone, sending text messages, looking out in nature, checking my diary/clarifying to do lists and listening to music on my iPod/watching YouTube videos on my phone. When waiting in line, go over your plans, and note down any worthy business ideas.
If you're into games download some fun apps on your smart phone! It helps kill time especially when your travelling on public transport. Although that tends to kill your batteries too!
One way is to make list's!

Then 'try' when you can to knock out those things on the list's.

You can make a list of things to do around the home, that you may have forgotten to even consider.

Make another list of what you would like to do in the next 12 months, that is a project of some kind....then list what you need, & how much money, and how long it will take you.

Try to write a poem....to someone very special in your life.

Keep your mind active, by spending at least some of that dead time.....that challenges your brain...word puzzles.

Write a list also, of Christmas gifts for this year....and what you think that person may like.

Finally, just read a book!....very relaxing.
When money is low and I am feeling down and out I go for a good walk and talk to people around me...
Even a visit to the Library can be helpful..
Ring up a old friend and chat for awhile even helps
Meditation and being still. Sadly most of us don't take the time to do this, but it is so important.
Tablet is the most effective tool to make the best use of the long hours while commuting. You can browse internet, read news, read ebooks, play favorite games, listen to music etc. There are so many things you can do and soon you will find the time is too short.
Whilst on train, work commuting, listened to tapes or CD's, with NC headset!
Sometimes read a book! Also conversed with other commuters with whom an acquaintance had been established!

All very enjoyable 'time-killing' practices'!
I find it difficult to read while travelling but listening to a recorded book is interesting and you are free to look around at your surroundings.
I like to make up games to fill in time. Sometimes I try to remember an increasing list of items, or I imagine stories about people around me. Who are they, where are they going, what has happened to them today., what is their life, are they secretly a criminal, do they have a crush on a work colleague. The more ridiculous the better. My sister and I like to talk to strangers and see how much we can encourage them to tell us about themselves- usually focusing on asking about happy events so you make their day better too.
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