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What are the best online self-help courses?

by Pauline (follow)
Health (523)      Fitness (60)      Wellbeing (113)     

zumba, fitness, exercise

Have you had any self-help online courses before for things like stress management, fitness, weight lost, time management, organisation, or anything else? What was your experience like and what is the best course you've taken?

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It isn't a course per se but for self-help I find the Ted Talks incredibly inspirational, insightful and seriously entertaining. The topics are interesting, the presenters passionate, and they challenge us to think bigger, think differently and see the world from a different perspective.
I know a few people who have signed up for The Mood Gym - they loved it. All about mindset. While I had to undertake 140 hours of self directed study for my NLP Practitioners certification back in 2007, after attending the three full days of practical sessions in Sydney at the time while I wasn't living there - I enjoyed watching some NLP demonstrations on YouTube. Not an online specific course as such, yet the material was great value. Therefore watching these videos on the Internet was like an online personal development course.
I have heard that mood gym is good also. There is another free online self help course that is a government one it's called 'My compass'. It has activities to do, a mood tracker and an online journal you can use. You can select to receive little inspirational quotes on your phone or mobile everyday. Little messages to help you through the day and cheer you up. It gives you some simple follow up homework to complete before you can proceed to the next section. The course sections only last for about 20 minutes each and you only need to complete them once a week perfect for anyone to do in their own time. They have heaps of information too and ready to print chapter summaries and information sheets.
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