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What are some of the quickest and tastiest meal ideas?

by joya. (follow)
I am a freelance writer, a food enthusiast and an explorer. Check out my weekendnotes profile: http:/ www.weekendnotes.com/profile/177032/
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Image by Jon Sullivan via Wikimedia Commons

What are some of the quickest, easiest and tastiest ideas for whipping up a nice lunch or dinner?

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I personally like frying up a French omelette complemented by bread or cous cous with veggies and/or eggs. Cous Cous takes 5 minutes to cook and can be paired with almost anything.
If I am really rushed and don't have time to cook, then Macaroni and Cheese, home made cheeseburgers or hot dogs.
Tin of lentils, chop Spanish onion, some tomato and coriander. Takes about 2 mins to make - delicious.
A quick beef stir fry is fantastic. Otherwise I put some prawns together, and prepare a tasty prawn salad.
A few of my favourite ideas are a simple pasta (pasta, bottled puree and grated cheese), a basic tofu stir fry (diced vegies and tofu in a tomato and peanut butter satay sauce) or a simple fresh sald, with your favourite vegies and some cheese, canned beans or pasta to provide some extra bulk.
When we arrive home late at night from our Melbourne trips (which seem to take 7/8 hours door to door) & our local supermarket has run out of takeaway chickens, I open a can of baked beans pour them into a container, & heat it up in the microwave. I also cook a fried egg & bacon to put on top. I doesn't sound very exciting, but we like it! You can also ad a teaspoon of maple syrup or chopped parsley, & we eat it on a slice of light rye toast, (or normal toast, if you'd rather of cause)
by Miro
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