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What are some natural mosquito repellents?

by annep (follow)
Health (523)      Summer (43)      Plants (12)      Insects (11)      Natural (6)     

Sitting out in the garden in a cool summer night can be very enjoyable, but only if you don't have to deal with the annoying bugs that leave your skin covered in bites. Summertime announces the arrival of mosquitoes, fleas and other insects in your living space. Spraying yourself with bug repellents might help, but they are also full of harmful chemicals.

So what are some natural methods to repel those nasty itch-inducing insects?

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A good way to repel mosquitoes is to use natural oils, or grow some special herbs such as lemon balm, catnip, citronella, lavender, lemongrass,... They release smells that can repel mosquitoes and some bugs while adding some green to your house. Definitely beats a tube of DEET to me.
Citroenella is meant to work. I got a spray once that was Eucalypt based too.
I have some citronella candles and they seem to do the trick. Plus I love the smell.
Use Google, and then you can get the full info what you may feel you not only want, but need.
Some work far better than others.Not all are equal.
Citronella is good, and I have also found this product to be non toxic also:

Tea tree oil and neem are quite good.
We use those giant sandalwood incense sticks on the deck and they are great too.
by Lucy
Citronella is supposed to work however I used to live in a heavily infested area of mosquitoes -summer and winter, day and night. I found burning citronella, or even planting the plant did nothing.
Although the council used helicopters to spray often, there were still mosquitoes all the time, and nbight time I just stayed indoors.

I read once that vitamin B tablets stop mossies from biting you, so I took this for the 10 years I was on acreage. I don't think I ever got bitten, yet my partner had Ross River virus, and he didnt use the Vitamin B tablets.

I have since read that this is a myth, however it seemed to have worked in my case.
by Finy
I usually use tea tree oil, peppermint and citronella aromatherapy oils.
Anything minty or citrus-y.
Recently I also came across a DIY natural mosquito trap instructional that uses sugar syrup and yeast (mosquitoes are attracted to carbon dioxide).
I grow mosquito repelling plants around where we like to sit outside. I like the pyrethrum plant.

Rose-scented monarda, Lime basil, Catnip ,Sacred basil, Thyme, Wormwood are all attributed with mossie repelling properties.
For me it's not going outside! However the little *#$%^'s still manage to find me! I've tried virtually everything, but nothing stops them - horrible, disgusting creatures love me like you wouldn't believe...
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