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What are some ideas for party decorations?

by Happy Mom (follow)
Finance (24)      Party (23)     
Parties are fun, for children, adults, families, friends, everyone attending them, except perhaps the host/hostess. They are under a lot of pressure, pre-party, during and post-party. One of the pressures is the financial aspect, which involves everything from the food, decorations, activities, etc.

Party, decorations

Party supply stores offer excellent thematic items for decorations, however, the cost of these items can add up. Are there some original ideas you may have used or seen at parties that look awesome and cost next to nothing that you would like to share?

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I love candles, so if there aren't going to be small children at the party, those make great party decorations and are relatively inexpensive. IKEA sells large packs of votive candles for just a few dollars, as well as candle holders.
Fresh flowers can be nice for adults parties.
Balloons...they always make the best presentation and add color to any party! Also love by many! ;0
Candles. Helium balloons. Traditional balloons. Streamers. Party Poppers. Painted/drawn on signs. Flowers. Confetti.
Well if you have children, they are always going to have party's!

Investing a Bubble machine or two.Works on batteries, or maybe electric.

I bought one, and they are Amazing!! you just have to fill up the bubble machine.
You can if you sew...using a sewing machine....make your own 'Banter' strings, that have the triangle...do it in nice colourful material scraps.

Balloons are cheap, use plenty of them and get a balloon pump....Look on Google too, there are plenty of ideas there, to suit your budget.
When my kids were young, parties were far simpler and there were no themes etc! just a party
by Finy
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