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What are some good and cheap Kindle books to download?

by Xarah (follow)
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I was lucky enough to be gifted with a beautiful, shiny, new Kindle for Christmas and I'm excited to read books on it while commuting to and from uni.

What are some good, cheap books (under $10) that you would recommend to get on a Kindle?

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II have at least 400 books on my kindle, and about 99% I downloaded for free on Amazon. Here's a link to their free book collection:

Thank you for posting this question as I am very much a newcomer to kindle and reading books on a tablet. Can't wait!
If you go on amazon, there is a list of best sellers with 100 top ebooks paid and free. Sometimes, ebooks are free for a period. They're displayed as 100% discount.
Unfortunately I don't have a kindle, so I have not yet explored books online.
Some tablets let you also read via kindle such as my Acer Iconia W5.
by Amelia
I am to be biased - mine. Just kidding...
Any short eBook is good, although surprisingly longer books sell more copies. It depends.
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