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What animal would you want to be reincarnated as?

by Bryony Harrison (follow)
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Do you believe in reincarnation? If you were to be reincarnated, what animal would you like to be?

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A penguin. They mate for life and most live far from humans. I'll come back with another answer when the polar ice caps melt though.
by Vee
You have to get my vote, Vee, as I am a penguinaholic. I am trying to downsize though . . . . ^_^
by Rice
Great question. Not sure, there are many, but of late I was thinking it would be great to be a domestic cat in a family that loves him/her. Food when you want it, sleep all day. Sounds like a good plan!
I have to agree with you, cat in a good home. But it must be in a good home. I don't fancy being a homeless cat roaming around scrounging for food in a poor area. Having said that, I have heard of cats who don't have an official owner but have been adopted by several households and get fed rather well and are provided with a comfy basket on a verandah. Hmmm the problem would be not getting proper health care, regular vaccinations and dental care, especially as one ages.
I don't know whether I believe in reincarnation or not, but I am definitely open to it.I think I would choose to be either a giant tortoise or a parrot because they can live up to a hundred years old.
A dog - you get to play all day, sleep all day, eat all day, and ask for instant forgiveness about making a mess with my puppy eyes :P
I like cats too. I'd have to say a domestic cat. They live fairly good lives. Eat, sleep and get pampered. I'm in!
One of these will do nicely!
(no I don't believe in it) but,still would be cool to be a Lion for a time. :)
As long as your name's not 'Cecil'..........jonaj......very sad story!
by donjo
It was a total disgrace, made me sick..... :(
by jonaja
I hope he rots like the teeth he treats. I must believe, I shall believe, I will believe in Karma.
by Rice
Indeed` Rice....
by jonaja
Dolphin, so peaceful and graceful.
I don't believe in reincarnation.
Love to come back as my beautiful old British Blue cat, or my very much loved Welsh Pembroke Corgi(female).

Mind you, the life my previous foster cat, a SP Siamese, is having since I took him in, a year ago, would be just the best!

Talk about being spoilt, & loved! Has an electric blanket to 'warm up' on! Thick mat to stand on, so paws don't get cold when eating!
Big cushion to sleep on, with thermal covers, for warmth!
Totally overwhelmed with love, affection, & getting brushed!

Yes, that'd do very nicely, thank you!
I used to dream about this and now I am quite sure I don't want to come back as a defenceless animal any more :(((
by Rice
(Or bird? A flamingo!!!!. Animal? A domestic cat that hates chasing birds & tiny sun lizards!
by Miro
I'm not sure to tell you the truth, I thought of a dolphin, I love the way they guide through the water, they are so majestic.
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