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What animal have you seen starting with the letter R?

by Finy (follow)
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What animal/animals have you ever seen starting with the letter R?

#Animals starting with R
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I have seen a rabbit -Rhodesian ridgeback dog and cant think of any others that were not in a zoo...
by Finy
I have seen Rabbits,Reindeer,red deer, rhinoceros (in a zoo)rainbow lorikeets, rosellas several types)red-tailed black cockatoos, rats,ring-tail possums, Robin red-breasts,red fox,rat kangaroo(in sanctuary)rhesus monkeys (in zoo)rainbow bee-eaters,rock wallabies,red necked wallabies,red pandas(in zoo) Reptiles (though these are not actually animals,are they?) and I could go on with various individual breeds of dogs,cats etc,,,,
Wow Jules -I should do answers later in the day when I am more awake!
by Finy
That's just too funny!!! I actually think it is the warm temps we are luckily still enjoying!!! If it is chilly, I like to have a bit of time in my comfortable bed and read while enjoying the nice first cup of tea of the morning;but when it is warm I just stay up after rising at 6 each day!
by Jules
Reptiles are animals. Or do you mean not individual species?
Love your answer, even had a giggle....very clever to come up with so many diverse animals!
by Fran
Reptiles are animals. In taxonomy we have Non Living Things and Living things, under living things we have Plants or Animals.
If it a living thing and it isn't a plant, then it is an animal.
by annfi
Thank you for you clarification!! I too had felt that reptiles are animals.I know that they are not 'Mammals',but animals? yes!!! Thanks again!!
by Jules
Robin (bird)
Raven (I think)
Ram (sheep)
Rottweiler (dog)
Ring tailed lemur (I think)

Excluding animals in the zoo - rabbits, rats, reindeer
by AJ
I saw a rabbit in the bush a couple of weeks ago. Would you count 'roos? ;) Also a rhino in the zoo, rainbow lorikeets, various rodents and reptiles.
If you mean Red Kangaroos,Yes!!!
by Jules
Only seen rainbow lorikeets, rats, & rabbits, & a Rottweiler. Well thats all I can think of at the moment anyway. A rather boring so called list!
Well let's see, rabbits aplenty when is was young and living in the country, even now there are some on our outer suburban estate. Rhinoceros at the zoo. Rusa deer, red deer and red panda at Altina Wildlife Park. A rat back in my school days, we watched it from the classroom window, playing in a drain. Reindeer, at the zoo not on the roof at Christmas time.
Rosella (bird)
Rainbow Lorikeets (sing-away in my trees! Yay!)
Roan ( a particular colouring of a horse)
Rhodesian Ridgeback (dog)
Rock Wallabies (whilst 'up-scrub')
Rhinoceros (at Taronga Zoo)
Reptiles (various types whilst Bushwalking & Camping)
Royal Sacred Siamese (correct name of said cat!)

That'll do!
I was gardening one day and accidentlydug up a Red belly black snake, then I went and put on boots, I also almost had a major accident when a mob of Red deer jumped out onto the road right infront of me at a right angle turn at night, VERY shaken after.
Lived in Africa so seen rhino, Rhodesian ridgeback, can't think of others but must be more over there starting with 'r'. Also most other common animals that other people have mentioned!
by Fran
Raccoon. In Canada.
by Rice
Awww gee Rice. And I thought I was going to be the only one who saw a racoon.
by helga
It was quite funny . . . I was sitting in a motorhome near that huge park in central Vancouver and himself had gone to speak with the ranger for some reason. . . . along came this raccoon that looked like it had spent a bad night on the booze - it looked like a geriatric dog and just looked at me like, "What are YOU lookin' at?!!"
by Rice
Rabbit, Rhino, reptiles (various), Reindeer, Rats, Raccoons, Red Panda and Rock Wallabies.
Redback Spider, Rhinoceros Beetle, Raptor ( Phylum), Racehorse, Rays ( Sharks), Razorback Pig, Rocket Frog,Red Fox,
Redback Spider, Rhinoceros Beetle, Raptor ( Phylum), Racehorse, Rays ( Sharks), Razorback Pig, Rocket Frog,Red Fox,
Rabbits, ringtail possums,roos,rosellas,reptiles, there the ones I can think of on the top of my head.
The 1st thing I thought of were the 2 lovely rabbits i saw in a rabbit hatch, in Bali, 3 weeks ago.
by Miro
Sorry, I forgot to check to see if I'd already answered this question!
by Miro
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