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Were you born in the wrong era?

by Vee (follow)
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Twiggy street art
Image by Slawek Puklo

I have often said this myself. At times, I can't help but think that some of my views are better suited to times past, and sometimes so is my sense of fashion and fun.

Were you born in the wrong era? If so, when would you have liked to grow up?

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I was born in England, and I have deep memories of some things.
I should have been born 100 years ago.
Some of my thinking is more in keeping....with then.
My hair was! It would have been perfect for those zany big 80s styles and I could really pull off power dressing, but I'm happy with being around now too.

I don't think I was.
Am quite happy with having been born in this era!

I don't think I would like to be born to a future era and past, also not so good!
by Finy
Although I like a lot of aspects of the past, I think overall, I am best off having been born in the era I am in now. As someone with dyspraxia and a mental illness, I would have suffered a lot during a period when these problems were just not recognised or taken into consideration. I would have not have achieved as well in school. I also could not imagine living without a computer.

My grandma was definitely born in the wrong era. She was not your traditional housewife , and did not have the freedom to do all the things she would really have liked to have done because of the role women had in the fifties and sixties.
Your point about illness is a valid one, Bryony. Something I had not given much thought to. Perhaps, I too wouldn't have received the support I've needed if I was born in a previous era. Hmm, I do think I would have liked to live a nomadic lifestyle though.
by Vee
I would never want to live in a time before anesthetics!
I too needs meds and would suffer badly 100 years ago....
by jonaja
Absolutely - I feel like I should have been here in the 60s - so my jam!
Oh Xarah.......
The '60's were just sooooo good! I became interested in contemporary music, because I was given a Transistor Radio for my 13th Birthday!
So I grew up with all the fabulous Surfing sound, Mersey beats & the Beatles!
Probably THE best decade of music that's ever been on Earth, IMO!
by donjo
Absolutely! I have always been 'out of sinc.' Dont get me started...fashion, yes a lot of modern clothes are pretty and functional at the gym or at home, but not in the community, once you step out in to public you should have consideration for others around you. I was always taught to consider who I might offend, but now the trend is more to do as you like, and if I say some thing the response is "get over it" or "what ever". Times change, and acceptable limits get moved, but at my age I seem too old to adapt to new things, and end up feeling out of place or like a 'grumpy old woman'.
Me too natal. Don't be too disheartened, you're not alone. :)
by Vee
I think I was born in the right era. I love technological advances but I don't know if I would want to see 200 hundred years from now.
I know. It's not something I want to see either.
by Vee
For me, I was born in the correct era!

Couldn't have asked for better years' to be on our beautiful 'Blue Planet'!

Yep, me too donjo and agree with your earlier comment too.
by fran.
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