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Were you a Girl Guide or Boy Scout?

by Happy Mom (follow)
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Boy Scout

Girl Guides and Boy Scout Programs are an excellent way to develop leadership and personal skills.

Were you a Girl Guide/Boy Scout? Did the skills you learned benefited you in your adult life?

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I used to be a Brownie when I was a little girl, but I don't think Brownies exist any more!
I think brownies/girl scouts have sort of disappeared into mixed sex groups, and are called things like Cubs or Beavers these days.
Boy Scout.. Helps me so much as I love the outdoors and even in my trade great way to learn simple tools to aid u as a young adult
No, I was never a girl scout or a brownie. I hated the uniforms (skirts), wasn't interested in any of the activities they did, nor did I want to socialise with lots of other kids. But I think the main thing that put me off was the way they were stereotyped or mocked on TV about selling cookies door to door.
I wasn't either, but all those skills would come in useful!
I was a Girl Guide for a short while, but personally I don't think it benefited me in the long run. At the time, I did make a lot of friends.
Hahahaha, why no way, jonaj?
by Vee
Just not meeee, I did try once, and ran home after one camping day.Hated it.
by jonaja
I wasn't either, but I imagine it would have its benefits.
by Vee
Guiding and scouts as is brownies and cubs are still around here in Melbourne and beyond.

my mother and her sisters were all in brownies and guides as I was. My brothers were too in both. My father wasn't till we kindly encouraged him, so he joined a became a GSM= Group Scout Master and loved it. My brothers became Rovers then.

When I got into Guiding which now covers Brownies collectively like Scouts does too, I learnt just so much and I learnt "to be selfless and to serve". Since leaving Guiding I have done heaps of Charity work and Volunteered and I still am doing it and love doing it. My siblings and cousins all do it too.
Once you learn you never look back b.c it's in your blood.
Even my neighbour was in Guides and she still volunteers etc too.

It's good for boys and girls to learn such a lot of great life learning things. BROWNIES don't camp but Girl guides do.

So yep Guiding and the Scouting Movement still exists.

Guiding and scouts as is brownies and cubs are still around here in Melbourne and beyond.

my mother and her sisters were all in brownies and guides as I was. My brothers were too in both. My father wasn't till we kindly encouraged him, so he joined a became a GSM= Group Scout Master and loved it. My brothers became Rovers then.

When I got into Guiding which now covers Brownies collectively like Scouts does too, I learnt just so much and I learnt "to be selfless and to serve". Since leaving Guiding I have done heaps of Charity work and Volunteered and I still am doing it and love doing it. My siblings and cousins all do it too.
Once you learn you never look back b.c it's in your blood.
Even my neighbour was in Guides and she still volunteers etc too.

It's good for boys and girls to learn such a lot of great life learning things. BROWNIES don't camp but Girl guides do.

So yep Guiding and the Scouting Movement still exists.

I was a Brownie and loved every minute of it. Went up to Guides with great enthusiasm, but bullying by one particular member of my patrol had me leaving within a year.
I was a Brownie and then went on to Girl Guides. I loved my involvement in both. The skills I learnt have been useful. I liked getting badges and I enjoyed camping.
Nope, NEVER appealed to me as a kid.
My son was in Scouts for only a couple of years' before he got bored with it!
No, I was never a Brownie or Girl Guide, nor were my siblings, 2 daughters, or anymore else i know of.
I was a girl guide then became Lady Cubmaster until I married. As my girls grew old enough to become brownies, someone found out about my history in the movements and approached me to "just come along to the guide meetings to keep an eye on things". Next I'm back in uniform again as Guide Leader. They were the best 13+ years of my life. I enjoyed teaching the girls skills and we were a unit who loved to camp. My skills were used to help other leaders at both pack holiday and camping levels as well as other training camps. You learn a lot about a child's family and how the skills they have learnt can help them develop. I'd still recommend the movements to help challenge oneself and to give back to the community.
I wasnt a guide or brownie
by Finy
No, & no-one in our family was either. It's a pity my bother wasn't, because it would have given him something to do, instead of always running around & mucking up!
by Miro
PS: I now remember an uncle wrote a book about Scout knots! It's a pity he didn't get my brother involved in it. No-one in the family seem to have much time for our uncle, because he'd married 3 times, & the only child he had was born out of wedlock! (Although his 3rd wife had 2 daughters when he married her.) Anyway, that wasn't the question. I keep getting side-tracked!
by Miro
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